Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Adeena sucked in a lung full of air through her nose the moment her eyes opened. She stared at the high ceiling above her just as she had when she woke up that same morning, but unlike then, the setting sun glowed behind the gauzy curtains covering the windows of her room.

Her body was stiff as she tried to lift both hands to her face, fingers streaking the few stray tears across her cheek. A dull ache pierced her chest, the longing for having Destan by her side clawing at her throat, which only had more tears spilling. She pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eyes shut, only to be startled by the one laying beside her.

"It's been hours...and you haven't stopped crying," a familiar, whispered voice said from close beside her.

Adeena turned her head slowly, meeting the worried emerald and onyx eyes of her sister without saying a word. They were lying side by side on her bed just inches apart. By the dark circles beneath her eyes, she must have stayed up into the night to watch over her. That dull ache in Adeena's chest blossomed as her bottom lip trembled.

Cleo hesitantly reached over and put her hand on her arm, seeing her reaction and wanting only to comfort her. "Are you all right?"

She nodded once as she shifted onto her side to face her, body stiff. It must have been several hours since she'd gone. "It's been a little while since that's happened. Me falling into the in-between like...that."

Since she'd arrived in Arloerin and ran into her grandmother for the first time, actually. She'd been so caught up in her swirl of emotions, in her heartbreak of everything she'd lost that she was tugged into it without warning.

"You mean because you had a panic attack."

She shrugged her shoulder. "I guess you could call it that."

"I know I can call it that," Cleo said, shifting closer. Her hand found hers then, threading their fingers together. "What happened? Grandpa Evander and I were walking out of my office and you were there and..."

Adeena swallowed the lump in her throat, staring at Cleo for several long moments before answering. "I heard what you two were talking about. About me. And you."

"What are you talking about? It wasn't anything bad. It's just..."

"Just that you and I aren't exactly what we envisioned each other to be like or how we wanted our relationship to be like after all these years."


But she was still going. "I think it was mostly because of what Grandfather said..."

"Exactly. So, what made you freak out? Because you and I both know it's the truth."

She shrugged and shook her head against the pillow. "He's right. I'm not sure just who I am now that Sophea doesn't have a hold on me. That's why I'm keeping to what I know...which is the Lady in White and the Guild of Starlight. My cover as Lady Addie Merlo is no longer plausible, but I'm not sure who Adeena Lucerra Brandt is either. None of that life before was still present in my life in Krahzara."

"What about Grandpa Evander? He was with you."

"But he wasn't there. Not mentally or emotionally. Not until a few weeks ago. It was as if he were a ghost of the male he was before, though little glimmers of his previous self would shine through, especially with his paintings."

At the mention of paintings, Cleo began to smile. "I already asked him if I can hang some of them up in the palace. He's gotten even better than I remember."

Finally, she managed a small smile. "Then you need to see the ones he'd always paint of Grandmother Renna. The detail was spectacular."

"Oh, I have...and I've already stolen that one to put in my office, too."

"He's done a few of you, though it was when you were four."

"I've seen those also and love them just as much. There was one of the two of us, which I asked him for also."

Adeena's smile grew, but only slightly. "When we were little, they were definitely simpler times."

"But like what Grandfather and Grandmother have been saying, just look at everything we've both accomplished in our time apart."

"What about what we could have accomplished together, though?"

Her question had Cleo going silent for a moment, thoughtful, before she finally gave her answer. "Guess we'll never know about the past, but we still have the future to look forward to," she said quietly. Her smile turned down in a frown. "Too bad we haven't been doing that good of a job when it comes that future now. We haven't exactly taken the time to talk and get to know each other again and start building a relationship, have we?"

"We haven't, but I'd like to change that."


Adeena gave her another small but sincere smile, squeezing the hand she was holding. "Yes, again. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was pushing you away, Cleo. I didn't mean to, but with everything going on since Grandfather and the Guild arrived..."

"I get it. You had to make sure everything was right with them."

"And come up with a plan for these next few in which I set into motion this morning when I went to the house and passed temporary leadership responsibilities to Selise."

Both of Cleo's brows rose. "Really? Why?"

"Why? Because who knows what's going to happen in these next few weeks. We all know we're going to have to head back to Dalcaine, so I'm preparing. Have you not thought about it, especially since you'll be going as well?"

While Adeena only had her Guild, Cleo had an entire kingdom.

"Of course, I have...but I already know everything will be taken care of for me by Janan and Urell with Grandma Renna for guidance. I'll have to talk to Kav, though, especially since..."

"Since you're not sure about him coming along."

Cleo winced, grimacing. "You think he'll be mad?"

Her smile then was edged with humor. "Eh, you came make up to him by kissing that pouty lip right off his face. Gods know you could do no wrong by him."

"He's definitely easy to persuade in that sense."

Both sisters started laughing, one of the first, true laughs they shared together that didn't seem in the least bit forced. That ache in Adeena's chest eased into nothingness and hope blossomed in her heart. They seemed to realize at the same time, too, both of them squeezing the other's hand tight.

"No more hesitating around each other or wondering what the other thinks of us, all right?" Adeena told her quietly then. "I know we'd rather skip through the time where we get to know each other, but we can't. I'm ready now, though, Cleo. I promise I am. I know these next few months will be something neither of us have experienced, but I'm ready to do it with you by my side."

Cleo's smile brightened. "And with you by mine. Always."

***Hi, guys!

Though this chapter was shorter than I intended, I still really loved it!  I think Adeena and Cleo finally made some progress with each other and still can't wait to see how their relationship grows.  

Since it's the start of July, I'm making this book my Camp NaNo project for the month.  Hopefully, it'll get me back into a good writing rhythm so I can meet my 50,000 word goal!  And now that I'm past the beginning chapters (which I always find hard to write because I just want to get past the "boring" chapters), it's going to be easier to get excited about writing again.  Life's been in the way over these last few months...and is it just me or has this year flown by?  Let's just say I don't like it!  

Anywho, what did you guys think of this chapter?  Comment and vote!

Happy reading!

- Ansley***

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