Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

The female who strolled into the kitchen humming wasn't the same one Cleo had said goodnight to the night before. She was sure of it. Adeena's whole persona had changed within those few hours everyone slept. She even looked different. Brighter, lighter, a bubbly personality that almost everyone immediately saw. Her light blue dress was one she hadn't seen before, light blond curls cascading down her back, but she was femininity personified in it.

And she was, dressed in a corseted top, black leather pants, and boots. Her golden eyepatch secured over her onyx eye and ruby engagement ring were the only things that glittered about her as her mood definitely wasn't. She tried to hide it and was doing remarkably well, but of course she would slip and someone undoubtedly noticed.

No wonder everyone in Arloerin had fallen in love with Lady Addie Merlo. This was her. A stunning female, her blond hair effortlessly flowing down her back, light blue dress falling gently down her body and hugging it in all the right places. Of course, Cleo was a mated female with male that loved her, but seeing all of the males stare and jump at the chance to help Adeena had Cleo clinching her fists against her side. The smiles her sister gave everyone she met and interacted with were ones Cleo herself had never received. Hers were either tentative or pained. There was no in between.

As they continued through Ayveri, Cleo found herself walking slower as her family continued on. No one seemed to notice as she stopped in front of a flower vendor, looking at all of the bright colors that didn't match her quickly souring mood. She was wrong, though, of course, as one male stepped up to her side.

"Everything all right?" Jai asked quietly as she plucked a deep red flower from one container to smell it.

Cleo nodded, barely meeting his eyes. "I'm fine, Jai."

His silence was answer enough. He didn't believe her. She wasn't fine. He had an uncanny ability to know that about the females he loved most in his life.

Placing the flower back, she then looped her arm through his, holding tighter than needed as she leaned her head against his shoulder. They started strolling in the direction their family had gone, Jai keeping the pace slow knowing it was only a matter of time before Cleo cracked.

It didn't take her long. Barely a minute before she took a deep, shaking breath that had him pausing their footsteps.

"Tell me what's going on," Jai said softly.

"I thought it'd be easier," she finally admitted. "After that first day we met and when we finally got to speak alone, I thought it'd be easier getting to know Adeena and build a relationship with her. One I've wanted ever since she was taken away from us. It's not easier, Jai, and I don't know how to change it."


Sensing tears were near, Jai steered them toward a cozy pixie garden between two buildings, covered in trees and vines and flowers, small pixie houses hanging on branches, and fairy lights strung across it. He sat them down on a bench in the center of it all just as Cleo's tears began falling in earnest and she pulled her golden eye patch off. Emerald and onyx eyes were filling with tears that spilled over her cheeks. Jai didn't say anything as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, letting her lean heavily against him.

"Jai, I...I'm sorry," she sniffled against him. "I know this is supposed to be a fun day..."

He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "No need to apologize. In all honesty, I don't know how you're handling it. You had your sister come back into your life after believing she was dead for almost the entire time. That's got to be a shakeup that would rattle anyone it happened to, no matter how strong they are."

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