【❻∥To Trust, Or Not To Trust】

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Maya, Ryden, and Drake moved through the emptying streets like phantoms towards the gates. There was an urgency in the air ever since Hunter had vanished. It felt as though it was thick enough to suffocate them in its panic.

Ryden had argued for most of the time spent sneaking, saying that Hunter disappearing just reaffirmed his theory that he was a Imperial spy. That it was awfully odd that he had disappeared right after getting enough info to harm their quest; possibly ending it. That they should just go on ahead. To not wait for him at all.

While Maya argued that he had probably just taken another route out. He had probably figured that it was safer for all of them if he split up with them. He was a trained soldier after all.

Within a few blocks of the gates Drake finally snapped at the two of them. "You two are fighting like a cat and dog!"

Maya huffed, "But Ryden has no proof!"

"He may not have proof, but you must admit it does seem a little suspicious." Drake replied.

They were only a block away from the gates now. The smell of the damp forest was becoming more vibrant as the neared the gates. The amount guards and knights was also increasing dramatically.

Ryden fell forward as his feet caught on each other. Protecting his face from impact, gravel dug into his skin. As he looked up, the sight of several guards inspecting people leaving through the gates met his eyes.

"Master, Maya," Ryden lowered his voice to a barely audible tone as he nodded towards the guards, "we've got trouble."

Drake looked in the direction Ryden had nodded. His eyes quickly glanced over the inspection. Nodding slowly, plans began formulating as he turned back to look at Ryden.

Maya's grip tightened on the handle of her sword. Her heart's pace began to quicken as adrenalin coursed through her veins, preparing her for war. If they where spotted there would be blood spilled by her for certain.

"What shall we do?" Ryden asked.

Maya darkly said, "We fight like there is no tomorrow."

"No, child that would be very unwise." Drake pointed to a group of palace knights standing in one courner. "There's roughly fourty knights on top of the twenty or so guards. No we walk straight out, then if all else fails we fight."

Maya seemed a little deflaited from Drake's words. Though she quickly pushed her feelings to the side, and began to think as they walked past a armory. The guards were now close enough to make them out if they looked in their direction.

Calmly the continued walking for the gates. They passed through the first inner gates where the currency exchange booths were before letting themselves loosen slightly. The group collectively let out a sigh as it appeared that they were going to make it unnoticed.

"Halt!" barked a guard from behind them.

Ryden nearly jumped out of his skin from the harsh voice. He was so foolish to think they could make it out without being stopped. Next to him Maya was already tightening her grip appon the sword. She was ready to die fighting he knew.

Both of them turned around at the same time. Ryden had made sure to angle his head so that his hood masked most of his face. While Maya had positioned herself into a comfortable, yet easy to jump into a fight, stance.

Drake turned around to face the guard who had commanded them to stop. An innocent smile plastered across his features. "May we help you sir?"

"I certainly hope so."

The man walked over until he was within striking distance of Drake. His slim figure made him somehow more intimidating than most of the bulkier guards. His hazel eyes shimmered with an unseen power. His shiny armor actually seemed dull compared to his eyes. "See I'm looking for a group of people comprised of three men, and a renegade soldier. We believe that they might have split up to avoid detection. You wouldn't happen to know anything about these four would you?"

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