【❷∥Underground Activity】

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Maya and Ryden made their way through the Convergence's looming wrought iron gates around half past three in the afternoon. The giant black pillars holding the gates where made from a giant rock that fell from the sky centuries ago. Melted by ancient magic from the elves of old to protect this ancient place from dark forces. To this day their magic strengthening them still flowed deep inside.

The wrought iron gates were massive, and newer than either of them remember. Each gate had three staggered spikes on their tops. In the center of each gate was thirty or so rivers converging at a singular point, to form one large river. The length of the rivers spanned the entire width of the gates.

Ryden pointed towards the older looking area of the Convergence's commercial district. "The meeting place is over there - somewhere."

Maya raised her eyebrows at his lack of accuracy. "Wow, that's very specific your highness." Her voice was saturated with sarcasm.

Throwing his arms up and shaking his head, he scowled at her. Maya wasn't surprised by this though. He was raised somewhat spoiled, and hated to be questioned or mocked.

After a few seconds a cocky grin started to form. Laughing he shook his head. "You're lucky that you're my bodyguard." His left eye closed as he winked at her.

Maya smiled, and sent her fist flying at his right shoulder, lightly connecting with it. "Oh, really. I'm only your bodyguard, not your friend?"

Laughing Ryden said, "That too."

They looked into each other's eyes, and turned away abruptly with their faces reddening. As one they started towards the commercial sector of the domain. The afternoon rush of customers started to diminish as they reached the start of the busy streets.

Ryden pulled out a small photographic postcard from inside his cloak. The front had the address and picture of the building they're supposed to go to. On the back was a generic 'wish you were here' message. Yet once a flame appeared behind the message another one became visible.

Ryden magically lit a white fire in his hand while walking, revealing the message. "Prince Ryden, I understand you wish to end the corruption your father has started. I have information from a veracious source that could be of assistance in this quest. If you're willing to trust an old friend, and truly want to end this, meet me by the end of this week. I will be staying here until the end of this period I have given. Best of luck, Master Drake."

Ryden stopped, and looked up at the building that was from the postcard. It was a small run down building with a roof angled down slightly, and a small green and white awning along the front. It's edges just barely reaching the edge of the sidewalk. The double doors were centered perfectly.

Three feet to either side of the door are three two by one foot widows. Each one is spaced roughly a two feet apart on the red fire-baked brick front, and cropped with large ivy vines. A small window garden is underneath each window. In between each window is a white wooden table and two chairs.

The building itself looked like it was in it's prime, fifty years ago that is. The once beautiful building in the picture was completely faded, and overgrown with vines. The windows were boarded up, and their gardens choked with weeds. The tables and chairs were splintering. The bricks in the front wall were cracked - or completely missing in places. It was amazing that it was not condemned.

"This... this is where we're supposed to meet him?" Maya's eyes were filled with confusion.

"Apparently." Ryden snorted in disgust. "This... building would benefit from a demolition."

Maya fingered her sword's handle. "This man, Snake, he owns the place?"

"From what I gathered, yes. Though looking at this building makes me doubt it. Not the typical place for a informant." Ryden's voice was so soft that Maya's ears strained to hear him.

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