【❶❶ ∥】

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A phantom similar to a gin - its lower body that of mist, and upper body became that of a malnourished man's while retaining a misty appearance - wandered a graveyard it knew well. This graveyard after all was its home, punishment, and penninace for the last melinia. It housed the bones and souls of several generations from a village that sat upon the ruins of a warrior kingdom; from whence the phantom came.

It wore dark iron like chains that were both symbolic and literal in the bonds keeping it from departing from this realm. Its torso covered in loosely wrapped bandages, and tightly wound chains leading to the ground. Attached to several chains that drug against the ground were skulls of those whom he betrayed. In either hand were sickle-like battle axes connected by one long chain wrapped around the phantom's neck. If he tried to leave the graveyard, or not protect those within the grounds, the chains would become white hot punishment.

It once was a great warrior, and was known the world over for his feats. He was unstoppable, and never retreated, until a great darkness attacked his city. Not knowing what else he could do, he made a deal with the forces; the city's best warriors' heads' in exchange for the lives inside the city walls.

For his misdeeds, he was bound to the earth where those he betrayed to protect were buried. Some that came were simple grave robbers - who were easily scared off - others were there to become necromancers, or were already practicing necromancy. Either way, those who came at night were rarely there to only visit a loved one.

This night was no exception, a living soul had entered the graveyard; a soul so rotten from dark magic, it was a surprise that the body it inhabited was still part of the living. This was far worse than the necromancy the phantom usually saw. It was like an ancient evil had decided to show itself this night, and the phantom was reluctant to engage with any more darkness.

"You, spirit, go tell Korellon of this boy, Achmetha, no matter the means. You must not fail for your city's existence rests on your success." A reedy voice coming from the shadows told the phantom.

The phantom hissed out, "Sssorry, but asss you can ssse, I'm ssstuck here. Go extort sssomeone elssse. I have been duped onccce, and never again will." He then shook at the chains binding it to the graveyard in emphasis of that fact.

A man dressed in a ragged dark blue robe stepped into what light there was from the overcast moonlit sky. The part of his blackened skeletal face and hands that was visible, showed that he had long ago cast his humanity aside. "That can be fixed, you insolent spirit; may you be doomed to haunt this earth for eternity!"

The phantom jerked back at the venomous words, "Allah... I will not help a Night Lich!"

The Night Lich ignored the spirit, "Also, tell Korellon, both successors of the orange and red have been chosen." The chains on the phantom's body and wrists turned to dust. "Know that your city's fate will be worse than yours if you ignore, or fail me. Now, go you vile insulting spirit!"

– – –

Ryden woke with a throbbing headache. He blamed it mainly on the granite hard bed beneath him. He'd have to severely punish the servant who prepared his bed last.

"Maya, please send whoever made this bed to be lashed several hundred times." Ryden grumbled.

A course, almost gravelly, laughing was all he got in return.

Ryden opened his eyes, only to immediately shut them again; not because the light hurt. It was because the only source of light was coming from the cell next to his. A cell with the blasted Hunter in it.

The light was pure white, yet tendrils and swirls of black entwined itself with the light.

"Pretty sure we're the ones about to be lashed, your highness." Hunter bit out.

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