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Hunter jerked awake to the smell of something cooking, oh and he was and soaking wet. He rubbed at his eyes, clearing the stinging water from them. As he searched for the perpetrator in the predawn light, he saw Adalstan standing nearby with a bucket in his left hand, presumably empty.

It wasn't.

"Wh- What, th- the heck was that for!" Hunter sputtered, soaked from the second volley of water being thrown into his face.

"My apologies but your putrid smell overpowered my senses and I just couldn't take it anymore." Adalstan waved his right hand in front of his nose for emphasis. "Plus Prince Ryden said it'd help greatly if I just dumped water on you."

"Did he now." Electricity danced across Hunter's fingers as he tried to not think of zapping the crap out of Ryden.

Hunter sighed as he looked down at his soaking wet bedroll. Deciding to put some of his anger to good use he heated up his hands until they were white hot. He then ran them quickly across his bedroll, drying it in seconds.

"So you can control fire too?"

Hunter jumped at the sound of Maya's voice so close. She had been so quiet he hadn't noticed her come up. Though he doubted that he would've noticed anything with how intently he was focused on drying the blanket.

"In a sense. I control energy, and energy comes from heat. It can also create heat. So while not fire per-se, it can have the same effect; heat."


Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose. "Energy, you know, like lightning."

"And you control it how? With magic..." Maya looked at Hunter's strange body-tight clothing. She noticed that it wasn't natural, and was silky like spiderwebs. Yet it was reflective like it had metal in it. "Or perhaps Alchemy?"

"No, neither of those are correct. I was created to control energy. I generate energy, I store energy, I am energy. I'm a–"

Maya snapped her fingers. "A demigod."

"–meta-human." Hunter finished, emphasizing 'human'.

Hunter finished drying his bedroll, and packed it away, in the silence that followed. Maya could help but notice the precise – yet quick and ritualistic – way he folded it. Each imperfection on its surface smoothed over until it was flat enough a coin could roll smoothly across it. Then when it was no wider than Hunter's forearm, he rolled it up perfectly.

It only took him a minute to put everything away. She only knew of a few who could compare, and they were all warriors who'd seen more bloodshed and pain than anyone else. Yet Hunter was the only one who was still full of youth for her to see this way.


"Breakfast is ready!" Drake shouted.

"Did you say something?" Hunter asked.

Maya shook her head and stood. 'Nothing important, just me asking you to be nice to Ryden' Instead she said, "Nope, let's go eat."

"You go on without me, I'm not really hungry."

Maya sighed and walked off to eat whatever Drake had prepared.

– –

Ryden watched from across the camp as Maya left Hunter to go eat breakfast. He didn't understand why she was even trying to be nice to this 'soldier' who didn't even know his own place. Nor did he understand why Hunter wanted to save a dying psychopath.

He too decided to go eat whatever his master had prepared for him.

"Smells good, master Drake."

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