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Helios stared in the direction of the sound of a bush rustling. His nerves, already frayed meeting with the Shul'k clan leader, saying it was more than passing wildlife. After all, the wildlife was pretty much non-existent this close to the demonic village the Shoul'k called home.

"Show yourself!" Helios pulled his sheathed sword, and pointed it towards the sound. The transparent-yellow blade seemed to be glinting internally. "I am commander Helios! One of Lord Draden's most competent knights!"

The two knights next to Helios silently faded back to the village to inform their allies of possible spies.

Ryden silently cursed his ill-fortune. Before him stood the ever proud, and ever egotistical, knight that he thought melted in his fire storm. The only thing appearing to have melted was the knight's armor fused to his body.

"Stay." Hunter whispered to Ryden.

Hunter stood with Achmetha still on his back, and walked into the pathway; directly into Helios's line of sight. Only ten yards spanned between the two by the time Hunter stopped. Trees and boulders lined the path making escape impossible for Hunter.

"State your business boy, and I might spare your life." As if to punctuate his point, Helios swung his blade lightly side to side.

Hunter noted six spiked points resembling a dragon's spines fanned their way around the sword's hilt. The handle was silvery with dark yellow veins pulsing from the hilt to the arrow-like tip of the blade. It's presence daring only the bravest (or most stupid) to attack.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry, m'lord. I thought your were one of those terrible d-demons!"

Helios smirked, and couldn't help himself from laughing at this pathetic boy in front of him. "And what of these demons? Perhaps next the shadows will grow wills of their own. Shouldn't you be more worried about your friend; he seems to be knocking on death's doorstep."

It was those shadows that just so happened to have actually caused Achmetha's condition, but Hunter wasn't about to say that. "T-true m'lord. The demons caused his condition, and I'm trying to get him to the closest village outside the forest to help."

Hunter watched as the Golden knight smiled cruelly at him. His expression one Hunter had seen many times in war, and those who saw to make a profit off of a situation.

"I-if you'll excuse me m'lord, I'll be going now." Hunter started to turn but froze as Helios began to speak.

"Why don't you come with me to the Shoul'k village. I'm sure they'll treat you very well. Perhaps they'd even look over your friend for you. Plus, they'd be disappointed if I weren't to help a stranger in their lands."

Helios just pointed his blade directly at Hunter as a sickly yellow mist exploded out from it in every direction for a few hundred yards. Every living thing in the mist either died instantly, or was frozen in place from the fear saturating the mist. This mist also resulted in Hunter to freeze in place while the yellow knight gleamed with evil pleasure.

The sword began to glow brighter, its yellow hue becoming the same sickly color as the mist. The mist spiraled like a funnel cloud on its way towards Hunter. One could almost swear the mist even screamed from fearful pain on its path towards his chest.

Suddenly the cloud shattered into a million tendrils passing harmlessly by, or so Hunter though. Before he could react, Achmetha was snatched from his back, and was drug through the air towards Helios. At that exact moment a pain so fierce shot through his heart.

Hunter stared wide eyed as he noticed a thin wispy tendril of pale yellow exit his chest. He began to hyper-ventilate as an unexplainable fear  gripped his chest. A cold sweat drenched his clothes as he fought against the fear.

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