【❼∥Night Phantom】

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Stretching out along a fallen tree, Ryden gazed up at the forest's canopy, wishing he could see the stars beyond it. The crackle of the small camp fire near him melded in with the sounds frogs, crickets, and the occasional wolf howl. The smell of pine, and freshly crushed grass lazily worked its way into his nose. It was almost enough to make him forget why he was here.


"Maya," Ryden looked across the fire, making sure his voice was just loud enough to be heard. "Maya, are you awake?"

Maya turned herself to face Ryden. The blonde streaks in her hair shimmered against the flames of the dying fire. Her brown eyes, darkened by exhaustion, had lost their hard edge.

"I am now my Prince." Maya said with a hint of frustration.

"Do you think my father is blind to what we're after?" asked Ryden.

"Of course I do, otherwise we wouldn't be here right now." Maya smiled at him. "Your father can't possibly know what we're up to."

— — —

Achmetha nearly fell for the tenth time in the past hour. He was totally exhausted. Hunter had been practically dragging him around this forsaken forest for several hours.

'At least he's let me stay hydrated.' Achmetha thought as the rope seemingly jerked him for the ten-thousandth time. As he struggled to stabilize himself, a root caught his right foot tearing the boot free.

"My bo-" Achmetha fell to the ground a the rope violently jerked him to the ground.

Hunter yelled, "I told you to stay quite! I don't care if you did lose your boot."

Hunter stomped quickly over to a nearby pine, and tied his end of the rope to a branch. He tugged on it several times before being satisfied that it wouldn't move. He then walked over, and took the blindfold off of Achmetha.

"We're staying here for a half-hour duration." Hunter, handed Achmetha a canteen of water. "Get what rest you can after you get your boot."

Achmetha stood there looking around the pitch black darkness, searching for Hunter. He spun around as the sound of a fire coming to life behind him. He was surprised that the fire even lit with how moist the logs looked.

The fire was just large enough to cast a ring of light to the tip of Achmetha's boot, yet small enough that it would burn itself out by the time they left. The dancing blue tongues of fire were vigorously eating the logs presented to them.

Achmetha sighed as he turned around to look for his boot. He thought how easy it should be to find it while the moist ground soaked his sock. However it proved to be much more difficult than he had originally expected. His dark boot seemed to have disappeared into the darkness. The rope tightened as he hit the edge of its length.

"Looking for something?" A little girl's voice asked from the darkness in front of him.

Achmetha grinned, looking like he was just taking a stroll. He didn't show an ounce of fear at the hollowness in the child's voice. "In fact I am. See I lost my boot-"

"You mean this one?" His boot flew out from the darkness, and landed just outside of his reach. "I'm sorry I took it. I just wanted someone to play with."

An idea popped into Achmetha's mind. "Tell you what, you give me my boot, and then I'll play with you."

Achmetha laughed at the thought of torturing this niave little child once he was free. He would be quick since she had helped him, but slow enough as to enjoy the pain he inflicted. Then he'd kill her.

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