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Before I announce who won I just want to say I had a really really really hard time choosing the winner. So without further ado the final three are (drum roll please.) @Edris_Opal in first place! @Shattered_Bone in second place! And @shadowcat4729 in third!

All three mentioned above will have a chapter dedicated after them. But only the winner who is @Edris_Opal will get all the benefits of my payment as mentioned in the thread.

I would also like to thank @mutiaraelwa @ETCupcakee @AlisaVoci @MichaelsGirl5sosx @ShowObsessed @blackjournal @the_feels_23 for their submissions in the contest! Their efforts are greatly appreciated, and will not be forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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