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Adalstan shivered as he listened to the forest's sounds. It felt so right to be among these trees, yet so foreign. He had lived so long with the humans that his own senses sere becoming numb to nature, to its warnings and its secrets; something humans long ago forgot about.

A burst of light bright yellow light lit up the surrounding forest fora brief moment. Adalstan assumed it was the fire as the logs crumpled together. Every so often it'd repeat itself; the soothing, almost hypnotic, rhythm was enough to make his eyelids heavy with exhaustion.  It'd didn't help that the rest of the camp had been silent for nearly an hour now. He blinked furiously, trying to stay the sleepiness.

The bursts continued at the same pace they had even after a half-hour of letting the fire burn itself down. Adalstan stood and intertwined his fingers as he stretched. He thought it was odd that the bursts hadn't died down with the now burnt out fire, it's red-hot coals the only remaining part, and when he though about it – the bursts seemed to ebb and flow like a great ocean's waves.

With out turning to look at the fire, or camp, he went into the forest as nature called to him.

— — —

Hunter was breathing hard under the weight of an unconscious Achmetha slung over his back. After that black energy had hit Achmetha, and destroying the kid's eardrums, Hunter had noticed a small tree branch had lodged itself into the right side of Achmetha's chest.

He wasn't sure how the kid wasn't hacking up blood.

He then noticed how the skin surrounding the injury was swelling and becoming black like it was rotting. He pulled the branch out.Surprisingly no blood came gushing out, but even more surprising was how the skin began to cave-in around the hole.

Not sure what else to do, he prayed for the twisted little, psychopathic, assassin. "Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy upon this sinner's sole. May you grant him peace, and a chance to still live in this world.  In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, amen."

Then very carefully he slung the would be assassin over his back and began carrying him commando-style, leading up to this point. Hunter wasn't just moving blind. No, if anything he was walking to Ryden's camp like it was a lit highway leading to it. He hoped they might be able to help the kid.

Hunter could tell he was getting close by how the surrounding forest was full of unnatural energy. Energy produced by his gear he left with Maya and that Prince's group. He was glad that they had brought it with them; even if they didn't know what it contained.

"Halt, and go no further, or suffer the consequences!" Someone shouted,their voice rich and demanding attention with the sharpness a drill Sargon had.

"Yeah like that's going to happen." Hunter sent a lightning bolt towards the voice's direction.

There was a loud thunder clap that shook the trees around them as the lightning connected with what Hunter hoped was the owner of the voice.

"Warned you." The voice said.

Hunter turned around around just in time to see a elf wearing the king's armor driving his sword towards his torso. The sword never met its intended mark. Instead it was hilt deep in a tree several yards away from Hunter.

Hunter laid Achmetha down on a semi-flat log that looked to have once been a majestic tree. "Look I don't want to fight, my prisoner is dying and needs medical attention immediately, but if I have to I won't hold back."

"Then you should've turned around when you had the chance." The guard replied.

Before Hunter had time to move, the elf sucker punched him in the jaw. The metal knuckles of the gauntlets shredded his skin like it was paper.His head snapping back from the force of the attack.

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