【❸∥The Hunter】

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"A white sword." Ryden's voice contained all the sarcasm that he was feeling. "That's going to stop my father just because it's the opposite of black?"

"No, young prince. It's because it was forged from life's light. It's the only thing strong enough to take on a sword forged from death." Drake was unsurprisingly calm.

Sighing Ryden leaned back in his seat. This was absolutely ludicrous! He had left his home in the castle for this, and now his old mentor is trying to convince him of a fairytale. Swords forged out of light was impossible for him to believe.

Yet something told him to stay, to listen. Maybe it was because he didn't want to feel that this was all for naught. Perhaps it was the fear of the rough looking men still being outside that finally convinced him to stay. Whatever the reason he hoped that he would have no need to regret it.

"Okay let's just suppose for a second that this sword does exist." Maya took a sip from her grape and cherry wine. "How would we get it."

"That's... the hard part. We d-" The bell of the door interrupted Snake.

Walking in through the door was a silver haired guy. His eyes were protected behind a pair of silver tinted glasses. A little white lightning bolt scar just barely peaked out on the right side above his glasses. His clothes were completely black with silvery-metal lining his chest, arms, and legs. His metallic knee high boots clicked loudly across the floor.

He sat down only a few booths down. It was obvious just by looking at him that he was military. The way he walked, and analyzed everything down to the smallest detail was disturbing to the four of them.

"Excuse me for a second." Snake walked off to greet the new customer.

Ryden had a clear line of sight from his booth to the other guy's booth. The guy spoke so softly that even Snake was having a hard time hearing him. It seemed that he was in no hurry, nor was he enjoying himself.

After Snake left to fill the guy's order Ryden started trying to talk to him. "So, what brings you here?"

The guy only looked at him like he was trying to figure Ryden out. Ryden shivered as the guy's shimmering eyes met his. They were truly unnatural, swirling with black and silver clouds, they seemed to hypnotize anyone who looked into them.

He finally decided to reply. "I could ask the same about you." He looked down at his wrist where a set of numbers floated.

"Witchcraft." Ryden mumbled while he shook his head slightly.

Snake thankfully came back quickly. His presence filling the awkward silence with cheerful whistling. It was a tune that Ryden had only heard a few times before. He tried to remember the name of the tune, My fair... something.

Ryden couldn't exactly say why, but he felt on edge. The way the guy acted was behaving to similarly like his father's spies. Tamu utpro essermon trinos cacir ńcha buntmonstra ammens! Ryden screamed silently in his head.

His eyes drooped ever so slightly as the spell was unleashed. He risked a quick glance to see if the guy had noticed, yet there wasn't any reaction from the guy. If anything he appeared to be falling asleep. Ryden pierced his lips in a tight frown as he remembered that not everything is as it appears.

"Ryden," Maya tapped Ryden's shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"It might be nothing, but that guy reminds me of a spy, or a soldier of some sort." Ryden allowed a uneasy laugh to escape before gulping down the remaining amount of tea from his glass. It's bold taste lingering for only a few fleeting seconds.

Straining to look over him, she whispered. "Definitely military. You can tell by the way he's sitting."

"You two are indeed correct in this assumption." Drake nodded towards the guy. "By the looks of his emblem he is part of the United Americas Resistance, or UAR for short. They're main goal is to protect their countries, and freedoms from you father. His world was one of the first your father attempted to seize control of. Obviously he still hasn't gained full control."

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