Chapter 1

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The sounds of little footsteps and little cries were heard in the classroom. Some are excited to find new friends while the others are crying because of a new environment and missing the warmth of their parents.

In the middle of all this commotion, while the teachers are trying to comfort the children by giving them candies, there's a little boy standing in the corner of the classroom with a tiger plushie hugged against his chest. He looked around the classroom and felt his eyes become teary. He was excited for the first day of his school. But after seeing so many kids crying without any reason, he also feels his eyes getting teary.

He don't know why many kids are crying. Isn't this suppose to be a happy day? Why are they crying? Don't they want new friends? he thought to himself.

While he was mumbling something to his plushie, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up only to see a bunny looking boy with his bunny teeth full on display.

"Hey". The bunny boy smiled.

"H-hi". The boy replied.

"What is your name?". The bunny boy asked.

"Kim taehyung". He answered.

"My name is Jeon jungkook" the bunny boy replied with a smile. "Why are you standing alone?"

"I'm not a-alone. I'm standing with my plushie. Look!" He showed the plushie to jungkook.

"Oh! You have a plushie? Can I play?" Jungkook asked his doe eyes wide.

"Ofcourse". He gave the plushie to jungkook. While playing with the plushie both heard the teacher who said the kids to have a seat. Both taehyung and jungkook sat together.

After tiring two hours of doing the activities their teacher told, they heard the bell rang. Their teacher told them to get in a line to go to the main gate. The kids waited for their parents to come and pick them up. After few minutes or so, taehyung saw his dad coming his way.

He smiled his boxy smile and waved his hand. Jungkook was looking at taehyung and was mesmerized to see his pretty smile.

"You're so pwetty when you smile. It looks like a box" jungkook said. Taehyung was flustered hearing this. "Really? Your smile is pwetty too. You look like a bunny" taehyung said while hugging his plushie tight.

While they are smiling at each other, taehyung's dad was already near them. "Hey bub! Did you enjoy your first day?" his father asked. He picked his bag and plushie from him.

Taehyung smiled, "Yes daddy. See, I got a new friend too. He looks like a bunny. Look" he showed jungkook to his father.

His father only realised that another boy was standing near his son. "Really? Hello, I'm taehyung's dad. What's your name bunny?" He asked while ruffling his hair.

Jungkook smiled his bunny smile,"hello uncle. My name is jungkook"

"Jungkook. Okay jungkook. It's time for taehyungie to go. We will meet you tomorrow. Bye" tae's dad said while giving a chocolate bar to jungkook.

Jungkook happily accepted the bar with a big smile on his. "Okay. Bye taehyungie!! Thank you for the chocolate uncle." Jungkook said and waved his hand.

He saw taehyung and his dad getting on a car and taehyung opening the window. They both waved their hands until they could see each other.

After a few moments, jungkook's parents also came and picked him up. He also told them about taehyung and they were happy that their son got a new friend on his first day.

This was the start of a new blooming love of these two beautiful souls.


And that's the end of the first chapter!! Short I know. But I'll make it long in the coming chapters. Hope you enjoyed it. Please don't be a silent reader. Give your thoughts and feedback. Also rate and share this story.

So tell me petals, should I continue writing or is it boring? I'll only continue if atleast a person is interested. So do tell me. Bye for now.

Love ya lovely petals💜!!!

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