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Mature content ahead🔞

It's been over a month, Taehyung and Jungkook have been dating. When they told their parents about being in a relationship, they didn't expect the reaction they got.

"I fucking knew it!"

"Damn, took you long enough."

These were the replies they got from their mothers. Mr. Kim and Jeon could only shake their heads at their wives. They both congratulated the boys and gave them their blessings.

Everything was so dreamy. It felt like a dream for both the boys. Being together. In a relationship. They weren't certain that they would stand together as boyfriends one day. Now thinking of that, they're slightly disappointed how they wasted years fearing rejection or afraid of breaking their precious friendship.

But it's okay. Since they waited for years for what they have today, they won't let go of it easily. Because they have to make it up for the years they lost. And that will take forever.

Now they are at their graduation, waiting for their name to be called. Jungkook was the first to be called. He stepped up to the stage to get his diploma. He was smiling so widely while giving his speech. Of course his eyes remained on Taehyung throughout the speech.

Next up Taehyung was called, he gave his speech, not forgetting to wink at the younger at the end. These days Taehyung was wild. Whenever he opens his mouth to talk to Jungkook, his words make sure to fluster the younger.

Jungkook was attacked by sudden kisses while walking, or at canteens while having lunch with their friends and hell, even in the classroom. He just can't seem to keep his hands and lips to himself.

Not that Jungkook minded the affection. It's just, the Taehyung he knew before and now are entirely different. Taehyung was clingy after their confessions. He doesn't seem to give a fuck about who's watching or where they are. If he wants to kiss, then he will kiss his boyfriend. And Jungkook loves it.

They were on their way home to celebrate. The Jeons  will be going on a business trip tonight. So, they decided to hang out at Jungkook's home.

"I can't believe we're out of high school." Jimin said, his eyes mindlessly looking straight. The other guys hummed in agreement, and they continued their walk.

They arrived at Jungkook's home and right at the time the jeons came out with luggage. "Oh, you guys are here. We were about to leave. Have fun guys. I made japchae for dinner and put it in the refrigerator. Heat it up when you eat. Bye." Mrs. Jeon said, and they drove off to their destination.

"Wow, homemade japchae. Thank god, we don't need to order a takeout." Hoseok said excitedly.

They entered the house and dropped themselves on the couch. " I don't think we can celebrate. I'm so fucking tired." Jungkook mumbled.

"Yes. Me too. We're gonna watch a movie while having loads of snacks, eat the japchae your mom made, and then I'm heading to my home to sleep for a hundred years." Jimin said.

"You sound like Yoongi Hyung." Tae chuckled.

Yoongi just looked at Taehyung unbothered, and turned his head towards hoseok. "Yes, Jimin is right. We can watch a movie and go home." Hoseok said while pulling Yoongi towards himself.

"Ok then. Lemme bring snacks. You guys decide on a movie." Jungkook got up, stretched his hand before skipping to the kitchen.

They watched the movie Coco, while munching on the snacks Jungkook brought them. Now, Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok are standing at the door ready to leave after their japchae dinner.

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