Chapter 4

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Jimin. The only one who knows jungkook's secret. Even though it's painfully obvious to everyone, the one who had jungkook's confirmation is..


"When are you going to confess?" Jimin blurted out. Jungkook choked on his spit at the suddeness. He frantically looked around the canteen making sure nobody heard his friend.

"Don't say that aloud." Jungkook said with a glare. Jimin rolled his eyes. "As if no one knows. Well except that dumbass."

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked clueless. Jimin rolled his eyes yet again.

"God, how someone can be this clueless." Jimin grumbled. "Listen, you both always do shits that couples do. He looks at you with literal heart eyes and same goes to you. You both act all lovey dovey infront of everyone as if there's no people around you. So, in the end you both disgust me with those disgusting act. Like can't y'all confess and fuck already?" Jungkook was simply looking at jimin with wide eyes. "He even said I'm his best friend. But he doesn't cuddle with anybody else except you" jimin said with a deep breath.

"So, what do you think now?" Jimin asked looking straight at jungkook.

"Did he really said that you're his bestfriend?" Jungkook asked. Jimin looked at him in disbelief.

"I literally gave you a long ass speech just for you to ask me this?" Jimin asked jungkook in offended tone.

Jungkook pouted. "Whatever you're saying is not true. He looks at everyone with the same look. You're just saying this just to make me confess to him."

Jimin raised both his hands in defence. "I give up. Do whatever you want."

Jungkook's pout deepened. "C'mon jiminie hyung. Don't be mean. Help your friend out."

"Who's being mean to my kookie?" Both jimin and jungkook turned around to the source of the sound.

And there he was. Taehyung. The one who jungkook had been crushing for 2 years. Jungkook eyes immediately lit up looking at taehyung.

Now that taehyung was 19 years old, he no longer looked like the boy a few years ago. His voice is so deep yet smooth that can send shivers to anyone's spine. His cheek bones and jawline are prominent which made him more handsome. His shoulder and chest were broadened making him look sexy. But he is still pretty and beautiful with his brown eyes which contains nothing but adoration and affection. His cute mole at the tip of his nose and his pretty plump lips. Taehyung is handsome and also beautiful.

"Taehyungie hyung" jungkook called with a wide smile.

"Hey kookie" taehyung smile while sitting beside jungkook.

"And here they go again." Yoongi grumbled sitting beside jimin while hoseok sat on the other side. "I know right." Jimin said while taking a sip from his drink. Hoseok just laughed.

"What are they talking about?" Taehyung asked confused.  "Y'all seeing this shit?" Jimin asked no one in particular.

"He's just blabbering nonsense. Don't mind him" Jungkook said with a glare directed at jimin.

"Whatever" jimin rolled his eyes. He closed his mouth because these dumbasses will forever be dumbasses.
Yeah right.

Absolutely it's not because of the deadly glare of Jungkook. Ofcourse not.

After finishing their food, they walked towards their classes. Jimin and hoseok went in a different way to their literature class. Now taehyung, jungkook and yoongi were the one walking in the hallway.

"Why am I the only one who got history right after lunch and you all fuckers got a company to a less boring class?" Yoongi complained. "It's so unfair"

Taehyung and Jungkook could only chuckle at their friend. "As if the fact that you're gonna sleep anyways gonna change if you have a company or a less boring subject" taehyung teased while jungkook was laughing out loud.

Yoongi huffed at them and grumbled under his breath. After a few minutes, they reached their respective classes.

Jungkook and taehyung took their seats at the corner of the class. Their teacher arrived after a few minutes or so, and asked the students to submit their homework.

"You can prepare for the exams now" the teacher while she checked the homeworks. The students groaned and took out their books. Jungkook was studying while he heard taehyung calling for him.

"Yes hyung?"

"Can we go out today? After school?" Taehyung asked. "Then we can have a sleepover since your parents will arrive at sunday for the weekend dinner anyway. So what do you say?"

Oh how can jungkook reject it when he gets to spend the time with his favourite person in the whole world. So he smiled widely at taehyung, "sure hyungie"

Taehyung smiled back at him nodded a little and again looked back to his book.


Jimin and hoseok were waiting for their friends to arrive so that they can go home together. Hoseok saw jimin squinting his eyes at a particular direction. Hoseok turned to look where his friend is looking at.

There he saw their teacher, Mr. Kim was sneakily getting inside principal's office and shutting the door. When he turned to look at jimin, he was smirking , still keeping his eyes on the door. "Well, can't wait for kookie to come here."


Jungkook and Taehyung was walking down the hallway while discussing about their evening plan. Suddenly they were startled by his friend's voice.

"Kookie, what took you so long?" Jimin asked while clinging onto jungkook.

"Nothing. We were just walking slowly since there's no hurry" taehyung said while going and standing with hoseok.

"Oh ok." Jimin said. "By the way kook, your favourite teacher asked for you."


"Yes. He's in the principal's office now. Hurry" jimin said with a mischievous glint that went unnoticed by jungkook.

" Ok. Let me go and check what it is real quick. You all better wait for me"

"Ofcourse. Yoongi haven't arrived anyways" hoseok said.


Jungkook strode towards the principal's office and opened the door.

"Mr. Ki-"

To say jungkook was horrified, it would be an understatement. There he saw his favourite teacher Mr.Kim Namjoon and the school principal, Mr Kim seokjin kissing.

Well not exactly kissing, the principal was seated on the teacher's lap, while the teacher was half sitting on the table. They were literally eating each other's face, that they didn't even noticed a boy came and went away closing the door.

While jungkook approached the group, now yoongi too arrived, they were looking at the flustered boy with confused gazes except for jimin and hoseok who were trying to not laugh out loud.

"Whoa, you look like you just saw a horrifying scene of your life" yoongi said while everyone started making their way out of the school.

Jimin snorted." Trust me you don't even wanna know"

Jungkook said nothing as he laced his fingers with taehyung's. Taehyung looked at their interwined hand then back at jungkook who still has a pink cheeks and his smiled softly to himself.

Should I confess to him today?

Please share your thoughts!

Love ya petals 💜

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