Chapter 9

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Jimin was sitting on a stool near the kitchen counter, stirring his cup of tea, humming a song to himself.

Right at the time, Hoseok and Yoongi came out of the room, to the kitchen. "Morning chim." Yoongi said and seated himself on the other stool. Hoseok prepared tea for both his boyfriend and himself.

They were silently drinking their tea and hoseok cleared his throat before saying," hey chim, we'll be leaving after drinking the tea." He said, motioning the cup in his hand.

"No, stay. Otherwise, you'll be missing the real cup of tea." Jimin murmured and continued to sip his drink, leaving both Yoongi and Hoseok with confused faces.


The golden rays of sunlight had a blue glow in the room as it passed through the light blue colored window curtains. Jungkook's mind was awake. He can hear the distant singing of birds and vehicles moving on the road. He also can feel the cool breeze that was blowing inside. He slightly shivered at the chillness and turned around to cuddle the near object.

He loved the heat emitting from it and smiled a little in satisfaction, his eyes still closed. Suddenly, he felt like something was hammering inside his head. He groaned and pushed his head deep against the pillow. He can feel the strong ache in his head and along with the memories of the night.


He opened his eyes so fast and regretted it the next second. He groaned yet again and rubbed his temples before opening his eyes slowly. He was met with a ...... nipple staring right back at him. And his memories flooded again in his head. 'No. Nononononono!!! Fuck what you did, kookie.' He cursed himself.

He slowly raised his head to look at Taehyung's sleeping face lastly so that he could slip out from the bed sneakily, and run out of this house and jump off the cliff.

But the sight made his heart leap out from his chest. Taehyung was already awake and staring at Jungkook intently with an unreadable look on his face.

Jungkook could only stare back at him. How does he manage to look so handsome even right after waking up? That's not fair at all. Not at all. God really does have favorites.

Shit, jeon fucking Jungkook. He's going to hate you and yell at you. Here you're thinking about his face. Don't you know to think with your drunken mind for once. This is his first time drinking. And you took advantage of it!!! He's going to hate and not gonna speak with you hereafter.


"I am so sorry, Hyung. I don't know what I was thinking to do a such thing to you. You probably hate me right now. Not probably, you definitely hate me right now. And I don't blame you for it-"


"NO! Wait,, sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. Oh my god. First, I took advantage of you in your drunken state and now shouting at you. You absolutely hate me now. I'm sorry hyungie-"


"But please don't stop talking to me. I know this is selfish of me to ask after taking advantage of you, but I can't live without-"

Oh, Taehyung had enough of this rambling. "JEON JUNGKOOK!! SHUT THE FUCK UP."
Taehyung yelled. Jungkook flinched at the sound and shut his mouth right after.

Taehyung sighed and rubbed his face with both his hands before looking at Jungkook. His heartbeat was rapid, and he was so afraid of the rejection. Yes, Taehyung remembered everything the minute he woke up with a headache. He looked at the boy sleeping cuddling close to him and made a decision.

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