Chapter 2

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Taehyung was always excited to go to school.

Even though the homework that the teachers give him sucks, he is always excited to meet a certain bunny boy. Yes, taehyung was excited just...

Because of Jungkook.

Today the excitement was doubled because he has a surprise for the younger. The ten year old was eagerly waiting for the younger, so that he can show him the surprise.

He was feeling so giddy and excited to know the reaction of younger. Oh how he could stare at the big bunny smile that will takes place on its own when he shows what he has. Taehyung was thinking all this with a shy smile on his face.

But soon, his thoughts were interrupted by Jungkook's voice.

"Good morning hyungie" jungkook greeted taehyung with his usual bunny smile.

Jungkook was a year younger than taehyung. But since taehyung was joined in the school a year later, both the boys are in same grade. Though being in the same grade, jungkook liked to address taehyung as hyung.

"Good morning kookie" taehyung greeted back enthusiastically. He can finally show jungkook now.

"Why are you so excited hyung?" Jungkook giggled.

Taehyung felt his heart skip a beat at the sound. The sound was beautiful. Everything about him is beautiful. Ofcourse it is. Because it's jungkook.

"Because I have a surprise for you" taehyung said.

Jungkook's doe eyes litted with excitement. "Really?"

"Yes. I bought cookies for you" taehyung said with such excitement.

Jungkook's lips tugged downwards a little. "But.... hyungie, you bring me cookies daily. Isn't it like your daily routine"

Taehyung have been bringing him cookies since they were in kindergarten. It's meant to be just for a day, as taehyung want to thank the bunny boy for talking to him on the first day. But after seeing the younger being so happy about the cookies, he decided to bring a cookie daily for the bunny boy. Anything to see that precious pretty smile.

"Yes, but today's cookies is different" taehyung said. The boxy smile never leaving his face.

"Different how?" Jungkook asked curiously.

Taehyung still with the smile on his face opened his backpack and took out a box. Jungkook eyes gleamed when he saw what was inside.

There were  chocolate cookies shaped like bunnies with small white marshmallows placed as eyes and a pink marshmallow as nose. The whiskers and mouth was drawn with cream. They looked delicious.

"Do you like it?" Taehyung asked with a eager look.

Jungkook could only nod.

"Then taste it"

"What?! No, they look pretty. How can I eat that?" Jungkook said with his eyes widen in shock.

"I didn't decorated it and bring you this just to look. C'mon taste it tell me how it is" taehyung said.

"What? You decorated this. Then no way I'm eating. I'm gonna keep it with me forever" jungkook said while picking up the box.

Taehyung giggled. "You can't keep cookies with you forever kookie. C'mon taste it"

Jungkook sighed and hesitantly took a cookie. He looked at taehyung who still has the eager look on his face. He then looked back at cookie and then back at taehyung.

"Kookie don't be dramatic. Just taste it" taehyung sighed at his dramatic friend.

"It's just so pretty. I feel bad for ruining it by eating" jungkook said with a pout. Still he took a bite at the cookie and his eyes widen.

It was so delicious more than he expected. And in moments, the cookies were gone. Taehyung giggled at his friend.

Just a few minutes ago, he was hesitating to eat them, and now it's gone.

"Is it good?" Taehyung asked.

"Mmhm. It was so yummy" jungkook said with a wide smile.

"I'm glad" taehyung said proudly. Ofcourse he didn't make the cookies, but still he decorated them right?!.

Their moment was interrupted by the teacher who arrived in the classroom. All the student scattered back to their desks.

During the lesson, subtle looks and smile were exchanged between the two boys. They giggled at each other whenever their eyes met. And the days went on with these little giggles and the little feeling blossoming in both of their little hearts.

Chapter 2 has been updated.

I think I should improve my vocabulary. I feel like I'm repeating the same words again and again.

Anyways, what is your thoughts on this chapter?

Love ya petals 💜

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