Chapter 8

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Warning 🔞
Mature content ahead~

"Can I kiss you, koo?" Taehyung asked, his hands still caressing the latter's cheek. He didn't know where this sudden courage came from, but let's not dwell on that. He's brave ok?

Jungkook sucked on his breath, eyes widening at the sudden request of the other. His eyes roaming around the room, not able to look at the elder. His fist tightened the shirt, and he could hear the thud of his heartbeat.

"Mmm, can I?" Taehyung asked again as he pulled him closer if that's possible. Jungkook didn't know what to say. Of course, he wants this. He's been waiting for this moment for years. How can he say no when Taehyung is looking like a whole ass meal?

But Taehyung's drunk. His first time, too. Does that mean he's taking advantage of his drunken state? However he's the one asking for a kiss. What if he regrets it when he is sober? Blah blah blah...

Jungkook nodded his head, accepting it. You may ask why after all his thoughts. Because he's drunk, too. He's not sober enough to think all of that. Right now, he wants Taehyung to kiss him, and keep the fear in the corner for his future self.

"Words baby. I need words." Taehyung spoke huskily, his voice sending shivers and goosebumps to raise. Fuck, his voice is enough to make him moan shamelessly.

"Yes, Hyung. Please kiss me." He's now becoming desperate as Taehyung planted the thought in his mind. Wants to feel how soft his lips feel against his. Wants his hands to roam around his body. Want to be kissed. Kissed by Taehyung.

Taehyung didn't wait after the words flew out from the younger's lips. He moved forward and attached their lips.

Lub dub lub dub…

They are the only thing that Jungkook can hear, the moment their lips touched.

Magical. That's how Jungkook would describe this moment. When you are waiting for a desired thing for years, and when it finally happens, you don't know if it's real or a dream. A beautiful dream.

But Jungkook can assure it's not a dream, since Taehyung's lips are softer than what he felt in his dream, how his hand caresses his cheek with way more affection than in his dream, and how he can feel the other's heart beat in his chest. This doesn't happen in his stupid dream.

Jungkook's hand gripped each other at the elder's nape, when Taehyung moved his lips. He followed the other's movement, since he's not that experienced in kissing. He can feel Taehyung's breath tickling under his nose and sighed when the other gently took his lower lip and gave it a gentle suck.

Taehyung pulled back from the kiss with a big smooch and again rested his forehead against the other. Eyes still closed, mouth panting and feeling each other's breath against them, arm tightly wrapped around each other, they stayed. They stayed like that for a few seconds and then slowly opened their eyes.

Suddenly feeling shy, Jungkook blushed and ducked his head a little. And Taehyung can't help but to smile. He removed an arm from the other's waist, and his hand tilted Jungkook's face to look at him.

Doe eyes a little teary from the sweet kiss he received, apple of cheeks in the shade of rose and lips swollen from the kiss, Taehyung can't help but again to taste him. He attached their lips again, this time with much intensity, and immediately started moving his lips.

Jungkook was caught off guard from the sudden action of the other and let out a whimper from the intensity. The arm, that once wrapped loosely around the neck, found its way to the elder's brown hair and gripped it slightly.  This gesture elicited a groan from Taehyung. Oh, how he loves his hair getting pulled while kissing.

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