Chapter 3

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Beautiful. That's the only word Taehyung could think of whenever he see jungkook.

Even after seeing him daily for the past ten years, he is still mesmerized every time he see jungkook.

Jungkook was rambling something that taehyung don't know what about. He looked so excited talking about whatever he was talking. Their parents are nodding at the adorable boy's rambling while taehyung was looking at him with heart eyes.

The jeons and kims are having a dinner at the Kim's house. They've been close friends since taehyung and jungkook met at school. Since then, every weekend they will a have dinner together.

Now they are listening to jungkook after finishing their meal. The pairs were smiling fondly at jungkook as he finished his talk.

Both jungkook and taehyung call it a day and hurried to taehyung's room. The couples looked at them till the boys went inside the room. After making sure that the door was shut, Mrs. Jeon spoke up.

"When are they going to confess?"

"I know right! They are looking at each other with heart eyes and shit" Mrs. Kim chimmed in.

"For real! I'm tired of waiting for them to say that they are in relationship" Mrs. Jeon added while dramatically placing her forearm on her forehead.

"What if they are dating secretly?" Mrs. Kim asked squinting her eyes.

Mrs. Jeon's eyes widen at the sudden realisation. "Hold up now! That maybe true"

Both Mr. Kim and Jeon were listening to their wives, smiling gently at their overdramaticness.

"Honey that can't be true. If they are together,we are one whom they will tell first" Mr Kim said while chuckling lightly.

"Yes. I don't think they are gonna keep their relationship a secret from us. As they already know we're gonna support them no matter what" Mr. Jeon added.

Both Mrs. Kim and Jeon sighed. "Yeah. That's true" Mrs Jeon said. After talking for a while, both couples went to their respective rooms.


Jungkook and Taehyung were lying on their sides facing each other. They were talking about silly things and giggling at the things they found funny. After a while they were just staring at each while smiling lightly.

"I love you kookie" taehyung suddenly said. Jungkook giggled.

"I love you too hyungie. You're my bestest friend in whole world." Taehyung smiled.


"Mmm" jungkook hummed. He draped his arms over taehyung's torso and snuggled closer. "I'm sleepy"

"Then sleep. Good night koo" taehyung said while hugging jungkook's waist and pulled him closer.

"Good night hyung".


The one thing that everyone hates is Monday mornings. But taehyung..


Because only in monday mornings, he woke up to the sight of his kookie snuggled so close him. His arms and legs around taehyung's body with a tight grip. His face resting on taehyung's chest with little drool on the corner of his mouth. His hair messy and his cheeks puffed out with a little red colour to it. His long lashes resting on his apple of cheeks,and his little mouth with a cute little pout, that taehyung want to kiss so badly. Breathtaking.

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