Chapter 3

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We sat (well at least I sat, I don't know if Levi was sitting since it was only a voice call) in comfortable silence for a few minutes after that. That kind of silence where it's not awkward, and you think about what was just said. Where you take in what had happened; when it all properly sinks in.

"Well, brat, I'm off to sleep. It's late." He stated, and I began to think that he was trying to get rid of me.

"Wait, already? It's only 2pm!" I exclaimed, confused to why he was calling this 'late'.

"Ah, you want to talk more, do you? Time zones, idiot. It's 11pm here." Once again, he was making fun of me. Strangely, though, I didn't mind it. Now if this had been Jean or somebody, I would literally find him and kill him (shameless Taken reference, oops?), but when it was Levi mocking me, it felt right. Sure, it still pissed me off. But it felt right somehow.

"Oh, um, okay. Tomorrow?" I questioned hopefully.

"Tomorrow." He confirmed, as I smiled.

Levi ended the call, and I moved myself over to my bed, still smiling like an absolute idiot. Why I was smiling at a creepy French guy who was two years older than me making fun of me, I don't know. My eyes closed, and I stretched out my back to lay back rather than sitting up. He was interesting, at least.

I was lost in my thoughts when my xBox started bleeping. A party invite. Jean (or Horseface, whatever) was inviting me for once, and I joined it.

"Sup, Jaeger?" He asked in his usual cocky voice, and I bet he was smirking while he said it.

"Not much, what about you, Kirschtein?" I spat back, annoyed that they had distracted me while I was in the middle of thinking about someone who happened to be extremely important at that moment in time.

"Eren, stop shouting." Mikasa said, bored. She was used to my shit, because I had known her more than any of my friends. She liked to think she was my mother.

"Sorry, just the horse is being a dickhead at the minute. Anyway, what's actually up?" Jean and I had always been Frenemies. We pissed eachother off a lot, but we managed to entertain eachother too. I guess the circle of friends can be boring without that one guy.

"Well for starters, Jean's mom chilled out." Marco joked, but Jean didn't take it that way and sounded slightly offended.

"Marco." He said harshly, and Marco mumbled an apology. The awkward silence was broken by Armin's shouting, which was unusual as he was usually the quiet one.

"Oh yeah, 360 noscope bitches!" he yelled at the top of his voice.

"Um, Armin?" I asked, trying not to laugh, "Please stop trying to be a thug. The thug life isn't for you, my innocent friend." This happened to bring a large burst of laughter into the chat, which was new.

"Rude." He muttered, trying not to laugh himself.

We were engaging in some casual banter when I saw a Skype notification pop up on the computer screen on the other side of the room from the corner of the room. I crept over to it so no one in the party would hear my footsteps from my mic, and clicked on the chat.

HumanitysStrongest: I can't sleep.

Jaegerbombastic: Why are you telling me? Why not?

HumanitysStrongest: Because I want to, that's why, brat. And as for why, I don't know. I haven't slept in forever.

Jaegerbombastic: Should I video-chat you?

HumanitysStrongest: Sure. Give me 5.

I was nervous, but excited too. Well, I'd better make a good impression. People say that first-impressions last, and I didn't want Levi to think bad things about me. I ended up using my webcam as a mirror to sort out my hair; there wasn't a single mirror in my room and I didn't want to go upstairs and miss him when he called. Also, my shirt looked awful, but he called me just as I was about to change it. It was stupid, but I waited for a few rings before answering because I didn't want to seem desperate (I was paranoid about those things, you see).

"Took you long enough to answer," he murmured. His body was away from the screen, though, so neither of us could see the other one properly, "well, aren't you going to say anything?" With that, he walked over to his computer and studied my face closely.

"S-sorry..." I breathed, looking at his face. It was beautiful. He had sharp, slightly upturned grey eyes that resembled the moon, his nose curved in an amazing way, and his lips were in a position that was somewhere between a frown and a smirk.

"Oi, brat. Don't stare," He said awkwardly, even though I could see him staring at me too. I looked at the smaller screen where my face was, and noticed that my cheeks were dusted with a bright red, and I quickly turned away, embarrassed. "You're cute when you blush." My mouth opened to form a shocked expression, and he smirked at me.

"Levi, stop." I felt my face getting hotter and hotter, and I covered my it to avoid further embarrassment.

Levi sighed. Damn, even that's hot, I thought.

"Listen, kid, I'm messing. Now, if you could bore me with something that would be great." He groaned. The best thing was, he was wearing a grey hoodie that looked slightly too long and big on him, and he was also in a blue blanket on his bed. Okay, I was not looking to be attracted to this guy.

After clearing my throat, I began to talk. About what? Nothing in particular. He had a tiny smile playing on his lips as he watched me talk, and I had noticed that his face had seemed to change from Resting-Bitchface to just regular resting, and it was adorable.

A while later, possibly ten minutes later, his eyes had become more tired looking and they kept closing. There was no point in checking the time; I was with him, and it made me happy. It calmed me. It took my mind off my dad and everything that was bad. Strange, though - I enjoyed being with an asshole.

He wasn't the kind of cocky asshole who did it to seem funny or cool, he was just naturally like it. Like something had made him like that. I don't know. I just had a gut feeling that he could be one of the best people I would ever meet, or something like that.

"Night, Eren," he mumbled out of the blue, and almost straight after, he fell asleep. He looked calm.

"Night Levi." I whispered so I wouldn't accidentally wake him, and watched him for a moment before hanging up, and smiled. Love? Maybe. Other feelings? Definitely.

Once I had hung up, I lay on my bed. So much had happened in one day, hours even. I had met a amazing man, who made me feel worthwhile. Happily, I sighed, and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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