Chapter 15

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Kind of a short chapter, sorry.
Also, I posted this earlier but there was something I had to fix and I didn't want anyone else to see it lmao so I unpublished it, if you're one of the couple of people who saw it nothing changed <3
Still tired and bleary-eyed, I woke up to a note lying by my side. It was folded neatly, and I sat up, but immediately regretted it. Reason number one: I had a throbbing headache that came free with my hangover, and reason number two: I was sore and aching all over. Unfortunately for my ass and hips, I had taken a dick to the fart-box (I'm so sorry) last night, and caused myself pain by forgetting that one important piece of information.

With sleepy hands, I reached for the note and carefully unfolded it.


I'm just at the store - I'll be back soon. I love you,


I smiled to myself, and gently folded it up again before pulling it towards me and hugging it to my chest. He'd probably want me to go back to sleep, being the caring man he was, but I thought to myself that I should at least attempt to get out of bed.

So, I forced my stiff body out of bed, and in doing so I realised that I still happened to be very much naked. And, I did not seem to have any clean clothes.

The only solution was to borrow Levi's (It was only appropriate for me to take his jeans). I looked in his suitcase, and took some slit-knee jeans and put them on. Not exactly my style, but it would have to do. Along with that, I put on some random grey top, and flopped back down onto the bed. I sighed. As much fun as last night had been, I wasn't sure whether it was worth it due to the aftermath. Well, of course it was worth it.

My phone was lying on the counter on my side of the bed, and I picked it up.

2 new messages - tap to view

I shrugged, and clicked it.

Mikasa: Hey, Eren. I'm sorry about what happened. Hopefully you don't hate me.

That reminded me - I had to tell Mikasa about the whole Ackerman business. Later, I told myself.

Armin: Hey! It's all of us, we miss you and hope you're okay!

Hmph, cute. I thought, a little smile creeping onto my face.

But, I had to text Mikasa. Even though I didn't love her, I still cared. And, I didn't care that I would be charged for international calls, either. It would only cost my dad money, and I didn't give two shits about him.

I bit my lip as I waited for her to pick up. When she finally did, there was a burst of many emotions, and I could barely understand what she was saying.

"Eren! Oh my God, are you okay? Please say you're okay. I'm so sorry.."

"Mikasa. Calm down. I'm sorry, and yes, I'm okay. There's something important I have to say, okay?" I tried to calm her, and calm myself. I didn't know how she'd react.

"Okay, shoot." She said, but I could hear the nerves in the undertone of her voice.

"Do you know a Levi Ackerman?" I finally spoke, after a few seconds of silence that felt like minutes.

"I've heard of him, yes. Distant family."

"Do you know about the whole situation? You know, with the Ackermans? And him?" I bit my lip, and braced myself.

"Why do you ask?" Mikasa was acting suspiciously. She had always been like this, and it was like trying to extract blood from a stone if you wanted her to tell you anything.

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