Chapter 8

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After I had said that, all of the white bitches stared at me for what seemed like an eternity. Silence flooded the room, and I stood there blushing awkwardly.

"Um... I'll be going now." I said through gritted teeth, before sidestepping out of the door and bolting down the stairs and into the street.

I'd decided to hang around for a while afterwards, before returning home to my dad. He'd kill me if he found out I hadn't actually gotten a job. When the time finally seemed right, like if actually done something productive, I headed home.

On the way there on that hot, summer afternoon, I felt a strange mixture of emotions brewing in my stomach. Happiness, because I had found somebody I loved. Anger, because of what Jean said about us and what he did to me. And finally, sadness, because of how my last relationship ended. Being cheated on sucks, you know? It's like the one you've decided you love and want to be with just ditches you for someone that they think is better. They say they love you, and all of a sudden, you're not enough for them. And I was paranoid that it would happen again.

The house was a mess when I got back. Everything was wrecked, and there also happened to be glass (most likely from an alcohol bottle) scattered across the floor.

"There you are. You get a job?" He sneered, slurring his words. He was sitting on the sofa in front of some football game, drinking a can of beer.

"You get drunk?" I spat back, and instantly regretted it. The man came charging over to me, reeking of alcohol, as usual.

"Don't fucking backtalk me," he snarled, in front of my face, "or you'll regret it. So? You get a job or not?"

"Yes, actually. Unlike some people, I actually possess the ability to do work, whereas you just drink." Shit, I thought.

"That's it." He yelled, walking over and sloppily punching me in the stomach. He wasn't strong, but neither was I, and he managed to push me over with it. I tried to get back up, but he kept me down with his knee, which happened to be on my chest, making it hard to breathe.

"I hate you! I fucking hate you! I wish you'd die, you know that?" I yelled. I'd had enough. Enough of him.

There's a thing with me. When I'm angry enough, I'll be able to do things better. It makes me stronger. And man, I was angry.

I pulled my knee towards him, and pushed him off me. It staggered him for a second or two, and I managed to run out of the house in that small but precious amount of time. Luckily, I had a place to go. Not another house or anything, but somewhere.

There was a park near my house, that my mom would sometimes take me to. Not a park with swings and slides, a park with trees and nature and all things beautiful. There was somewhere I'd always go with my friends when I was younger in that park. By the ultra-clear lake, there were some rocks that led into a small, cave looking thing. I was always kind of little, so I managed to slip through the small entrance with ease, and when I was inside, I felt truly at home.

It was my own little place, and I don't think anyone else knew about it, or remembered it if they did know. The torch I had left before was still there, and I flicked it on. Perfect amount of light, honestly.

So, I opened the Skype app on my phone, and called the love of my life (I never knew caves had 3G, but what do you know?). After barely any rings, he answered.

"Eren, what the fuck are you doing? Where are you?" He asked, he was squinting his eyes, trying to find me in the low light.

"Sorry, I'm in a cave right now?" I laughed, adjusting the torch so it was on my face.

"Oh, hey, you look hot by the way. Why exactly are you in a cave?" He asked. It sounded like he should be smiling, but he never smiled. At least I knew what he meant.

"Long story." I bit my lip.

"I have time."

As I told him how my dad had raged, he sighed and seemed to get angry.

"He needs to stop." Levi muttered, pushing the longer parts of his hair out of his eyes.

"Mm." I agreed, not really listening, "Levi, look. There's a deer!" I exclaimed while whispering, if that makes any sense, and flipped the Skype camera to the back camera of my phone to show him.

"It's so close.." He whispered, staring intently. "You know what? It's butt looks like you, because you're an ass." He joked, making me snort with laughter. Consequently, the deer fled.

"Damn it, Levi." I chuckled, looking into his eyes. "I love you. You're beautiful." I stated.

"I love you too, Eren."

"So, what about you? Your family, stuff like that?" I asked, and he blushed awkwardly.

"I'd rather not talk about it. Sorry." He muttered and I apologised for being so pushy.

"Well, I'm going to sleep now, if you don't mind." I smiled.

"In a cave? Really?" He raised an eyebrow, and he looked concerned.

"I'll be fine. Trust me. Love you."

And the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was him saying,

"Je t'aime, Eren."


I woke up feeling refreshed and happy, and thought that I should head home. The longer I stayed away, the angrier my dad would be when I got back. Did I want to go? No. I was under no obligation to return to him. But, like all of us, we need somewhere. And also, I needed a way to talk to my love.

Strolling along the well-worn path that was a shortcut to my house, I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket. I picked it up, and it was him. Grisha.

"What?" I seethed, gritting my teeth together and balling up my spare fist as if I was about to fight.

"Where the fuck are you, you idiot?" He screamed, so loudly that I could barely make out the words.

"Out. Why?" I asked. My mouth was almost foaming from my anger.

"Get home, now. You have a lot of explaining to do when you get back."

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