Chapter 11

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"What time is it?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes. The sun had almost completely disappeared, leaving a beautiful sky stained with tones of pink and red.

"Not sure. Haven't checked the time in a while." Levi's cheeks were dusted with a light shade of pink. It made his pale skin glow with colour, and he looked gorgeous.

"Oh, okay. What do you want to do?" I asked, grinning at him.

"I don't know, brat. If you don't mind, I'd honestly like to go home, and we can do something in the morning." He looked tired. I remember when we first met, and he'd told me that he never slept. On camera, I'd never noticed the dark purple circles beneath his eyes, or the way his eyelids seemed to droop.

"Whatever you say!" I bent down to kiss him on the forehead - leaving him with a surprised expression - before running towards the car park and breathing in deeply. "It smells so good here!"

"Ha. Probably because of all that air pollution there is in America. Filthy." He joked.

"The sky's so pretty!" I laughed like an excited little kid, and he muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like 'dork'.

He led me to his car, which was nothing special but seemed so nice, like the car the boy in a high-school romance movie got for his sixteenth birthday (if you know what I'm getting at. If not, I mean a rusty ass thing that doesn't even look safe to drive, but seems so comforting).

It was a long drive back to his house, and he had the windows wide open.

"Can you close the windows? It's freezing."

"Tch! Brat, this counts as hot in ole' Northern Europe. No." He sighed, looking into my eyes before remembering that he was driving and meant to keep his eyes on the road.

I took no for an answer, but sat shivering in my seat. Those steely grey eyes looked in my direction, and seemed to glow with affection.

"Kid, if you're that cold, here." He said, pulling off his hoodie which had too big on him anyway and handing it to me.

I slid it on, and I was filled with a warmth that spread throughout my body. Now, I don't know whether that warmth came from the actual sweater or whether I was just so happy to have someone caring for me, but it honestly felt amazing.

After that, I think I must've fallen asleep in his passenger seat, as when I was woken up by that familiar harsh voice with the French accent it was much darker than before.

"You sure do sleep a lot, don't you?" He ruffled my hair, and I got the message. I hopped out of the car, and followed him into what must've been his house. Located on a small street in a small, rural village, it looked pretty. Cute, even. It suited him, small and cute.

He fiddled around for his key, and eventually got us inside. He'd left the lights on, and what sounded like a game on his console. I smiled to myself, and followed the sound.

"You play Call Of Duty? You're not MLG, are you?" I jested.

"Nah, nah. I'm not one of those trick shooters." He yawned, walking over to a pristine looking kitchen. "Want anything?"

"You got Gatorade?" I asked, but I wasn't really listening. I'd invited myself to play on his game, but I sucked ass at first person shooters. Still do.

"Nope." He replied. "You want tea? Seems like that's all I have."

"Is this secretly Britain, did you get me a ticket to England instead? Levi, why?!" I shouted dramatically, but then coughed and answered him normally, "isn't tea just leaf-water? I've never drank it before."

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