Chapter 10

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Mikasa turned and ran, leaving me sitting horrified and scared on the bed. Confused, upset even. Shocked. Many, many words to describe how I felt could be written here, but it would take too long for me to list them all.

I heard footsteps, and I quickly got up and slammed the door on whoever it was, and I think they got the message.

My phone was on low battery, but I called Levi anyway.

"Hey," I whispered, thinking of his beautiful face and personality. He always wiped away my emotions whenever we spoke, like a caring mother wipes away the tears of her crying child.

"So, while you were gone I found somewhere I can order the plane tickets. What's the address of the place you're staying?" To anyone else, he'd seem like a cold douchebag who doesn't care about anyone but himself. Well, they'd be wrong.

I told him the address of Armin's house, and I heard the clicking of keys; probably from the computer he was using to order them.

"Says they'll be there in a couple of days. Just stay good for me until then, right, brat? And then your flight is scheduled for one in the afternoon the day after they arrive."

"Of course. I'd do anything for you. I love you, that's why." I breathed as quietly as possible.

"And I love you." He said, before hanging up.

From that moment, I knew what a good guy he was. What guy buys a plane ticket for a kid they've just met a couple of days ago? I didn't deserve him. There would be many other beautiful people with less needs and better personalities that he could be with, but he chose me. And that's why I felt I needed to stay with him-to love him.

Now, if I had any common sense, I'd fall asleep and try to pass the time like any normal person, but I couldn't. Too many thoughts were swimming around in my brain. Distracting me, and keeping me awake.

So, I sat around. Playing stupid games on my phone (I managed to find a charger that looked like it hadn't been used in years on Armin's floor). It was as close as I could get to video games without going downstairs. The next two days felt like a chore. Playing Love Live: School Idol Festival! (It's a good game, okay? I do not like any other girly games!) on my laggy-ass phone had became boring after a while, and everyone knows that almost every game that is downloadable on a phone is pure shit.

I'd obsessively watch out of the window for an envelope, but it was pointless. Why couldn't I just be patient? Levi had told me that it'd come in a couple of days. Why I didn't listen, I don't know.

Armin came up to talk to me every now and again, but I was preoccupied with fantasising about what it'd be like with Levi. After a while, he'd get tired and leave as politely as possible.

I think my daydreams about him had actually led me to fall asleep a few times. Good thing, too, as time seemed to pass extremely quickly on the first day of waiting around. The second day came out of nowhere, and it passed at an extremely fast pace too. The third day, though (the day they should've came) took an eternity, so I decided that I might as well enjoy my last day in America with Armin, so we played the new Mortal Kombat game that he was playing before. It seemed like he was too innocent to even want to go near that game, and he cringed whenever I got a fatality. Why only when I did? Because he sucked. I beat him every time.

Well, every time except for the time I fell asleep on him.

The next morning, Armin ran over to me with an envelope in his hands.

Shit. I'd forgotten all about it yesterday.

"Armin, what time is it?" I screamed.

"It's only nine!" He answered, also shouting.

"Only! Thanks Armin, but I have to go somewhere. Bye!" I shouted, running up the stairs to grab my phone and then out of the door, but he grabbed me,holding a piece of toast, insisting I eat it because 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day!'. I grabbed it with my teeth, running away with it in my mouth whilst waving frantically in his direction.

Even though I had no luggage, I set off to get a bus to the airport, eating my breakfast on the way.

Once I was on the bus, I texted Levi to say that I was heading to the airport.

Levi: Good. I'll be waiting for you at the airport when your plane's here.

He was great. The bus ride went slowly, as I was nervous and excited. Once I was at the airport, I checked in with my passport (I sound like a total idiot about this, but I always kept my passport in my favourite pair of jeans. It was the only piece of ID I had, so it was pretty damn important) and sat around for a long time. I won't describe the airport, because it was hell. By that I mean awkwardness and creepy old men and screaming kids everywhere. Not my idea of fun.

Boarding the plane was, well, uh-stressful. Luckily for me, I was sat next to some overweight old woman the whole time who wouldn't stop getting out of our seats to take a piss. For ten whole hours, I had to put up with that.

There wasn't a chance in hell that I'd be able to go to sleep by myself on that plane, so I decided to take a look at some magazines that would bore me to death.

Kim Kardashian creates book of selfies!

Oh wow, what a great headline. I'd definitely love to read that. What a great world we live in.

There was a flight attendant who kept handing out little bags of peanuts to everyone, and she was hot. I mean, if I was straight I'd totally bang her. That ass and those tits... I should stop.

About three hours into the flight, the travel sickness hit me like a truck. Throwing up what felt like everything I'd ever eaten, I realised how much I hated air-travel. Yeah, smart technology and all, but the turbulence wasn't the best.

In the next hour or so, I felt myself drifting off to sleep, and I welcomed that with open arms.


I was awoken by a harsh prod on the arm from the aforementioned old woman, who was gesturing for me to get off the plane. Pushed myself off the seat, and almost fell because of the numbness in my legs. Great start, Eren.

The runway was below us, and I took a deep breath before stepping out into the open. France had a different feel to it, more pretty, or maybe it was just because I'd stepped off a stuffy plane. I don't know.

My eyes were burning because of the harsh sunlight, and I could barely make out any of the figures below holding banners and signs for their loved ones, showing them where to go. Once my eyes had adjusted, I saw one that said,
Levi's Brat (aka Eren, if he's too dumb to realise)
In loopy handwriting that was hard to read, and a love heart on the right side.

I gulped, and made my way over to it, trying to control my breathing as I walked down towards him.

He was looking around, and when he noticed me, his face seemed to light up. I started running towards him, and before then I didn't realise how chilly it was.

"Levii!!" I squealed as I ran, and he smiled. It was beautiful. His teeth shone like stars, and they were perfectly straight, and the way the corners of his eyes scrunched up was adorable.

His arms were open, ready for me to run into, and when I hit him he wrapped them round me and pulled me close to him.

"I love you," whispered Levi into my neck.

"I love you too," my eyes were closed. I didn't want to look at him until we'd let go; it'd ruin the moment.

Once he'd stopped crushing my insides with his hug, I looked up, and saw almost nothing, so I looked down at a small but muscular looking young man with piercing but beautiful grey eyes.

"You're so short," I laughed, and he scowled at me in mock offence.

"Shut up, brat, and kiss me."

"They'll see, you idiot!" I blushed, babbling on about how we were in public and how it was weird, but he cut me off by slamming his soft, un-chapped lips against mine, his skin warm to the touch and baby-smooth.

It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever experienced.

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