Chapter 17

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I stared at the ground, tears still running down my face. Levi had his arms around me and whispered faintly in my ear, "S'il tu plaît calmer, mon amour."

I hated looking so weak in front of him. Levi helped me put on my pants and and wrapped his jacket around me. The air was freezing and chilled me to the bone but I didn't care. I was struck with a pain that shot through my entire body like lightning. What the hell had even happened that made me feel so awful besides, well, the events from minutes before.

Before I could react or say anything I felt my chest tighten and my breath left me. I began to feel panicky, I sat straight up, feeling my body jerk forward. I felt like I was being consumed, a drowning feeling ate up my body. I tried to choke out words but they stuck n my throat, I flailed around as Levi stared at me in shock, his mouth gaped open in surprise. The room began to spin and tears ran down my face. Oh my God I'm dying , was all I could think. I'm going to die. I'm having a heart attack and I'm going to die right here in front of Levi.

I felt his arms reach around me and I pushed him away but he held tight, "Eren, please, what's wrong?"

I pounded on my chest and choked out, "Hurts."

"Your chest hurts? Where? Eren you have to talk to me."

I shook my head and let out a sob, "Don't... wanna die..." I coughed.

Levi suddenly changed, he held tightly onto me and rocked me back and forth whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I closed my eyes tightly, the room spinning, making me nauseas. My chest tightened and I began to fight back, pushing and shoving to get away from something.

I clawed at my chest, pulled at my hair, it was like I was fighting something invisible. Something that wasn't actually there. I felt like I couldn't breathe, I gasped for air over and over again.

"Eren, you have to calm down, mon amour," Levi whispered into my ear as I fought against him. I pushed and shoved and kicked. I needed to get away. He held tightly, not letting me get away.

I kept clawing and kicking and squirming, but eventually I gave up. I just sat there in his arms, sobbing and breathing heavily.

Eventually after what seemed like forever, my breathing slowed and my eyes dried. I lied motionless in Levi's arms, the will to do anything left Mr completely. Levi just held me, running his hands through my hair, whispering soothing words into my ear.

I couldn't tell how long it had been, but once I realized I had calmed down I sat up. Levi looked at me and gave a small smile.

"Are you okay?" he said quietly. I gave a short nod.

"I thought I was going to die Levi," I told him. He just looked at me.

"Did you feel like you were having a heart attack?" He asked and I nodded slowly, he nodded as well. "Eren, you had a panic attack."

I stared at him before opening my mouth to speak, "why?"

Levi shrugged, "Eren there's not always a reason, but maybe it's because of what had recently..... happened..."

I looked down at the ground, 'right' I thought.

"Eren we have to get out, soon. I'll try and find a way, there's gotta be a weak point around here. I'll get you out of here," he said and pulled me closer. His hands tangled in my hair and his lips pressed against my forehead. I sniffed and let a shaky breath out.

"I love you, Levi," I mumbled, "I'm so sorry about everything."

The smaller males arms wrapped tighter around me, I heard him whispering my name, his beautiful, low pitched voice sent shivers up my spine.

I curled up next to him. My head rested in his lap, my arms wrapped around his waist loosely.

"Sleep," he whispered and leaned down to kiss me, I kissed back with softness.

I nodded into his stomach and close my eyes. Something heavy was placed over me, his jacket I guessed. I pulled it closer over me and snuggled closer. He leaned against the wall and sighed. I fell asleep to the feeling of Levi running his hands through my hair.


I awoke with a start. Tears filled my eyes and my throat felt filled. I gasped for air as I felt arms snake around my waist.

"Eren," an accented voice whispered in my ear, "Eren, deep breaths."

I immediately obeyed. I greedily sucked air into my lungs and held it for as long as I could. Once my chest began to hurt I let it all out slowly and repeated. I felt my heart rate increasingly slow.

As I became stable I buried my face in the crook of Levi's neck, "please get us out!"

I wanted to scream and cry, it hadn't been long but I felt trapped. After all that happened so far I couldn't take this stupid enclosed room. I need out. Now.

Levi nodded and kissed my temple, "I know, mon amour. I know." 

I looked up to see the faint outline of Levi. His hair stuck to his face, his clothes were slightly ripped and dirty. He noticed I was looking over him and clicked his tongue.

"I'm a mess," he groaned and tried to wipe his shirt clean. Suddenly he fell to the ground, his arms wrapped tightly around himself. I felt panic shoot through me.

"Levi!" I yelled and kneeled next to him. My hand rested on his small shoulder.

He coughed and hacked, his entire body shook and shivered. He groaned and whined. I put my band on his cheek and pulled back surprised.

His face was wet. Levi was crying.

Sheer terror welled in me, he's in pain. What could I possibly do?!

"Levi!" I said, my voice shaky, "Levi what's wrong?!"

There was no response for a long time. Eventually he sat up and wiped his cheeks with his sleeves. His breathing heavy and forced.

"Sorry, I'm alright," he told me. I glared at him. My fists clenched at my sides.

"No!" I declared, "I'm not going to let you just sit here in pain while you take care of me!"

Levi put his hand km my arm, "Eren, stop. I'm perfectly fine. Just got my breath stuck."

I didn't believe him.

He turned away from me and leaned against the wall. I signed and leaned against his back.

"We'll get out of here," I whispered, "I'll make sure you get out."

I felt him tense up slightly as I said this, but it was so quickly I thought it was my imagination.

"I love you, Eren."

His voice was off. That was the only thing I heard from him for a few hours. Soon he drifted off to sleep.


The sound of his voice resonated in my head for hours after he said it. The way his voice shook, almost as if it were forced.

I held my jaw tightly. Stop Eren, you're being ridiculous.

I groaned and shifted.

The sound of footsteps could be heard outside. I decided to crawl toward the door to listen to any conversations.

The only sound that could be heard was a loud, excited voice.

"We get to experiment on him?!" It said.

"Hanji, you can't see the boy as some test subject," a low, husky voice said. Erwin.

I felt my blood boil, anger and fear filled me.

Where they talking about me? What did he mean experiment? What was he planning?



Okay but like seriously I'm sooooo sorry this took so long and that it's so short (only 1k words ._.) 

Please forgive me.


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