Chapter 9

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Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I thought, panicking, and I felt myself become hot and sweaty almost instantly, wondering what he could have found. Really, I had nothing to hide. I mean, I don't have a dildo or a used condom laying around like some people (ahem, Jean Kirschtein. Wait, who said that?) and I never watched porn. Well, I did at a sleepover a long time ago and it wasn't even my choice, but that's a different story for a different time.

My legs were starting to feel like jelly from the nerves, but I managed to break into a sprint without falling flat on my face. Funny, the kid who spent around five years addicted to video games can run without dying.

After an amount of time that felt like it flew by, I arrived at that house. Before I opened the door, I wiped some of the sweat off my flushed palms on my jeans, and gulped. He was waiting for me when I pulled it open, and he was angrier than I had ever seen him.

His eyes would have flames in them if this was a cartoon, (actually, I could say that they were, poetic license, am I right? Or is that just for poetry?) and he clutched my shirt collar with his hand, and began pulling me.

"Dad? What've I done now?" I stuttered, and my face felt like it was on fire. I was showing my true emotions for once around him, as I was honestly scared.

No reply; my only answer was his dragging becoming more angry and strong.

He'd dragged me to the basement by now, and he positioned me in front of my computer, still holding my shirt.

"What," he said calmly, which made it even worse, "the fuck is this?"

And with a gasp, I realised what was on the screen.

"Who the hell is this, and why are they saying they love you?" He yelled, grabbing me even harder now.

"L-Levi..." I muttered.

"Who?" He pushed, forcing me to say it louder. Either he hadn't heard, or he wanted to hurt me even more.

"Levi." I said as confidently as possible, putting every ounce of my entire being into standing up to him.

"Levi?! So you're a fag, Eren?" He screamed. Fuck. In case you didn't realise by now, he's extremely homophobic. I don't even think that's the word to describe the hatred he has for anyone who doesn't fall into the regular 'heterosexual' category. His grip on my collar loosened, and I backed away.

"No, Grisha. Just homosexual, thanks. That's what I prefer." Being confident wasn't working, as I sounded as if I'd lost my voice.

"Get out." He said.


"I said get out!" He bellowed, "I will not tolerate this! Get out, I never want to see you again! Your mother would be ashamed of you. You're a disappointment- a failure. I hope you die. I don't care where you go."

"D-dad, please! You can't do this! I'm your own son!" I protested, bursting into tears.

"You're not welcome here! Get the fuck out, before I make you!" He took a step towards me, and I walked out.

"Fine. You were never a father to me, anyway. Just a monster."

I ran out into the street, and there were people gathered round. They must've heard the shouting.

Hannes, the man who had found me when my mother died, came up to me. I'd always liked Hannes. He was one of the few who'd been good to me.

"Eren?" He said, looking at my tear stained, cut and bruised face.

"He's kicked me out," I spoke quietly.

Oh my god," He mumbled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, "you need a place to stay?"

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