Chapter 7

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We were together for hours. All of us. It was like old times, only even better because the man I loved was with me, but him and I only knew that. After so long, it got late where the 'squad' (I apologise for how cringe-worthy that sounds) and I were, so we decided to go and log off.

So, I walked over to my computer and opened Skype.

Jaegerbombastic: Phone number? I'm going to 'sleep' now, and I want to text you. Sleeping isn't my favourite thing.
HumanitysStrongest: You really should sleep, you know. Well, I can't stop you from staying awake. Just don't be drinking RedBull all night, not good for you. It's 347-569-6969.

With that, I hopped into bed after brushing my teeth and stripping off - not in a sexual way, you sick perverts - and texted him.

Me: Update: Still not drinking RedBull.
Levi: Good. You sure you're okay? I mean with your dad and everything??
Me: I'll live.
Levi: Next time he's an ass, kick his ass.

There was silence for a short while then; no messages were coming through, but that silence was broken by a double text.

Levi: I love you, you know that?
Me: I would say that I love you more, but that's old and cheesy, so, I love you.
Levi: Get some sleep, you need it after all that's happened recently. Love you, speak to you later.
Me: I will. Love you.

Is it possible to love someone you've barely known? He was amazing. He's the first one who'd ever cared about me properly in years. Not to mention how beautiful he was, as a person and his looks. I fell asleep rather quickly, thinking about how much I loved him.

I was violently awoken by my dad shouting.

"Right. You are going to get a job," he glared at me, and I stared back, "I don't care where. You're going to get off your ass and do something."

"Am I? Well, you're the adult here. You're the one who should be working." I stated.

"Don't question my authority, Eren. Get up."

Fearing for my own safety, I did as he said. And here, I said in my head, we have the winner of the douchebag of the year award.

So, I changed into some socially acceptable clothing and head out. Was I really going to apply for a job? Nah. What I was really going to do was head to the game store.

On entering the dimly-lit store, I noticed a familiar looking idiot at the counter.

"Hey, Horseface." I smirked, and the Horse (also known as Jean, but whatever) whipped his head around almost instantly. He started walking towards me, and I turned and headed out of the store.

"Who was that in the party then, Eren? Your boyfriend?" Jean was a cocky bastard.

"Funny. You can't talk, we all know about Marco." You see, I'm what you call a sassy bastard. Better than a cocky one if you ask me.

"Don't talk about Marco like that. Also, you didn't deny that he's your boyfriend. So is he?" He mocked, staring me in the eye. Like I always have to do, I snapped. By that, I mean that I kicked him. In the nuts. After he had fell to the ground like a rag doll and screeched like a dying pigeon, he got up. This is a bad idea. You see, even though I was technically a better fighter than him, Jean was a lot taller than me. At least a foot taller, in fact.

The guy who strongly resembled a horse because of his long face towered over me, and people had now gathered to watch. Great, just fucking great. Jean readied his fists, and spat on the floor in that cliche, 'fight-me' style. I found my hands balled up into fists, and before I even had time to react to the swinging of his arm, he hit me right in the chest. It winded me pretty badly, and I stood choking for what could only have been seconds but felt like an eternity.

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