Chapter 14

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ok i updated!!1
OH,, AND SMUT WARNING(((; This is also my first time writing smut so sorry if it's bad?

"Where the hell would we go?" I spat, and stared at him, exasperated. He probably had no idea. Just like when he told me to come to this god-forsaken country instead of him coming to mine. But, I held my tongue. No matter how irritated I was with him, I would never want to give him up. He was incredible. I'd never met anyone like him.

"Belgium, probably. No need to search for answers. Come on," He gently leaned towards me and held my head, before caressing my cheek and grazing my lips with his own. Levi was unpredictable. I sighed lightly, and allowed myself flop onto his shoulder, making him chuckle softly. "I expect you're tired. You can sleep in the car on the way. Or we could stop off somewhere. We'll see." He shrugged me off his shoulder, and began walking out of the door.

Obediently, I followed him out to his car, and purposely fell down onto the passenger seat. There was tension in the air. Levi appeared next to me, sitting down with poise and grace, unlike me. Well, he was naturally more sophisticated than almost everyone back in America (cue the European and American stereotypes!).

"Shouldn't you check your phone?" He inquired, glimpsing at my pocket. "Maybe someone's worried about you." In all honesty, I was probably more worried about myself than they were. Levi wasn't exactly making things simple for me. Terrified of seeing a certain blond man with giant eyebrows, my eyes scanned the area as if they were surveillance cameras, but saw nothing. Although, I did notice that the window next to him was open slightly, but he'd probably forgotten to shut it. Either that, or he'd just opened it.

"Nah, I doubt it." I told him, if anyone was bothered about me, they'd have to carry on feeling that way. There was plenty on my mind; I truly did not need to be stressed over them panicking about where I was - if they even were, that is.

Levi nodded in understanding. Slowly, that rickety old car of his started, and he began driving. Man, he was hot when he was concentrating. His wintry grey eyes focused on one spot, and didn't move unless he granted them permission. Often, he'd shift longer strands of hair from his face using that cliché upward blow, but when he used it, it set my heart on fire.

We drove for around an hour or so, and the only sound was that of the radio (which happened to be playing awful music) and his car.

"Levi?" I spoke, piercing a hole through the silence that had gathered between us. Not that it was an uncomfortable silence, but it had to be broken eventually.

"Yeah?" He looked at my face slightly from the corner of his sharp eyes. A miniscule smile appeared on his lips, and I chewed on my own as I watched him. Strangely, his eyes seemed to become less harsh when he looked at my own. They had a softer, warmer glow to them.

"I'm so sorry for everything. I've caused you so much trouble, I bet you wish you'd never met-" I managed to spit out before becoming choked up. A single tear managed to escape my eye, and after that they started flowing like miniature waterfalls. I attempted to hold them back for a while, but those attempts were utterly unsuccessful.

"Eren, oh my... none of this is your fault." He said gently, as he pulled into a parking lot. "It's my fault, okay? Not yours. I got you into this mess, and I'm sure as hell going to get you out of it. Don't cry-wait, do. It's good to cry. It'll all be okay once we get into Belgium, right? We can stay with some friends of mine, Farlan and Isabel. We'll stay here for tonight, it's just a regular hotel, but it'll do. I love you more than anything, Eren, and it hurts so much to see you like this." He blurted as he embraced me with his muscular arms, and I clung on to him and his shirt and anything I could find.

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