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Today is the wedding of India's famous businessmen's elder daughter with the King of business world Kim Tahyung.

Mr. Singh : Lara (Secretary) ! Go and recheck everything once again and carefully.  There should not be any single mistake or anything after all it's  my daughter wedding. 😏

Mrs. Singh : Yeah , go and check it
                      after all it's his precious daughter wedding.

Mr. Singh : OK ok ! It's  just I'm so excited. Nothing more.

Mrs. Singh : Oh really!  But about
your health hmm.

Mr. Singh : OK , I will take care of it also but not now . Now go and call the bride everybody is waiting for her .

Mrs. Singh : Yeah , sure. Y/N , beta
come here , come fast.

Y/N : Yeah , did you call me MOM .

Mrs. Singh : Yes , go and call your sister . Everybody is waiting for her.

Y/N : OK , MOM.


Mom asked me to call my sister aka the bride so right now I'm going there . But from feeling something uneasy like something big going to happen today.

Of course ,  today is my sister's wedding so it's a big thing. It's just because of stress due to wedding , nothing more.

Well , right now I'm in front of bride room so let's go.

Y/N : Tanisha , where are you?

I checked the whole room but I can't find her I even looked into the bathroom but she is no where to seen .
Suddenly , from the table a piece of paper fall I  picked it up and read it ..
And I was shocked.
I quickly called mom and dad and asked them to come in the room.

Mrs. Singh POV :

I was busy in checking the arrangments of wedding and attending the guest with my husbandbut Y/N called me and asked us to come in bride's room quickly.

Mrs. Singh : What happened Y/N ? Why did you call us quickly in this room , we were busy and where is your sister?

I can't find Tanisha and I'm so angry right now but Y/N is not saying anything just standing their like statue.
She suddendly handed me a piece of paper . I take it from her and started reading it and after reading it I felt suffocated and then Mr. Singh snatched it from me and started reading it loudly.

Dear papa ,
I know you all are are disappointed in me but I don't have any option other then running away from my own wedding . I was not ready to marry this early I'm just 27 and I want to enjoy my life before getting married . I tried to talk with you all but after seeing you all so happy I don't  have courage to confess about it . But now I'm saying I can' t do this , i can't marry someone who is seven year older than me . I'm sorry , please forgive me and don't search for me bcz when you all will find this than I was gone far away from you all....
Yours daughter ,

Mrs. Kim POV :

I was watching the decoration of the wedding with my husband and Tae's friends wives.
But then I noticed that Mr. Singh and Mrs. Singh were going toward the bride's room in hurry and they were panicking.
So , I followed them with my husband and tae's friends wives. When I  entered the room I wasn't able to see the bride and then Mr. Singh started reading a letter.
After he completed it I was shocked to hear that what happened.
Then I asked them..

Mrs. Kim : What we gone do now with this marriage ?


After hearing Mrs. Kim words we were shocked to see them standing on the door.
Mom and dad face lost it's colour , it was supposed to be a peaceful wedding but now , now what.....

After sometimes my father spoke and I was shocked to hear that.

Mr. Singh : Y/N , please marry Taehyung.  Plz , Don't say no.

Y/N : What are you saying dad ?

Mr. Singh : Please , child think about our reputation in this society and moreover if this marriage will not happen then we will lose our company.

Y/N : But dad.....

Mr. Kim : Try to understand the situation child.

Mrs. Kim : Yes , child to understand
the situation. And Tae is not a bad guy
he will take care you .
He will keep you as his queen.

Y/N : But..

Mrs. Singh : Please , child.

Everybody was trying to make me understand about the situation  but what about me . What about my future ?
I always wanted to marry  a person  I love.

Mrs. Kim : Please child I beg you...

Suddenly Mrs. Kim kneeled down infront of me . I was shocked so quickly make her stand again and told them my decision that...


I know my English sucks but I'm sorry English is not my first language. 
Plz , vote and comment in bor this story it will help me to finish it fast.
And plz share it with your friends..

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