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The journey of India to South Korea is of 7 hours so everybody decided to take rest during the journey .

The journey of India to South Korea is of 7 hours so everybody decided to take rest during the journey

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Y/N'S POV  :

Everybody decided to take rest while flying back to Korea . I can't have inch of sleep cause I was busy in my own thoughts that how my life take u-turn from how I assumed it to be .
I always dreamed of falling in love and than marry that guy but here I'm married to my sister's groom .
I still remember the day I got to know that she is getting married , I came back to India as soon as possible to congratulate her . But in this excitement I forget to notice the saddness on her face . Now , if I go in detail I notice how much desperate she look to talk to our parents but everytime seeing their smile she backoff .
I never knew that she will take such a big step .
But their is one thing that I can't understand that is when I asked her about the marriage she said she is happy and also she loves Taehyung so how can she do this , how can she runaway from the marriage if she loved him .
I cameback from my thoughts when i feel some one head on my shoulder and hand on waist gripping it tightly .
I look to my right side to see Tae sleeping on my shoulder while his one hand is holding me tightly . I didn't protest because it was not making me feel umcomfortable so I let it be slept in his arms .

I woke up cause someone was shaking me and when I look up to see who it was , it was none other than my husband Tae .

TAE : Hey , wakeup the flight is going to land in some minutes .

Y/N : Okay .

After the jet landed in Korea everybody one by one came out of flight .
When I come out of the plane I see two beautiful girls standing infront with a lots of guard and car with tight security .




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