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Right now everyone is sitting in balcony next to the living room . Everybody is happy and chatting to each other of up coming event .
Y/N is really happy now , she want to share biggest news of her life but before she can do it someone barged in the house and screamed

??? : Taehyung , my love .

After seeing the particular person other family member are mad that how can a stranger braged inside their house with this tight securities . On the other hand Taehyung have blank expression on his face whereas Y/N is shocked , angry , happy , sad , confused .
The person after screaming started to run in Taehyung's direction and hugged him . Y/N is angry because of the scene infront of her as a person she always loved standing infront of her husband and hugging him .
After realization hitted Taehyung like a truck he separated the person from him and slapped on the cheeks of that person and said

Taehyung : WTF!

??? : What happened , love ?

Taehyung : What are you doing here ?

??? : Doing here ? Love , I was away from you for freaking 3 months and you are asking what I'm doing here instead of asking if I'm okay or not ?

Taehyung : Stop with your drama bitch?

??? : Bitch , really love ? Eommo look at your son he is saying I'm bitch instead of respecting me .

Mrs. Kim : Eommo , who gave you permission to call me that after what you to me .

??? : What are you saying Eommo ? Aren't you are the one who asked me to call you Eommo ?

Taehyung : Just go away from me and my family . You have already have done enough of your shitty plans .

??? : Shitty work ? Let you one thing KIM TAEHYUNG I'm here to take what's mine and that is you .

Y/N : Tanisha diii.....

Tanisha : Oh ! Hii sis , what are you doing here in Taehyung's mansion .

Y/N : Dii , how are you ? Where were you all this time .

Tanisha : It shouldn't matter to you bitch and why do you think I will tell you where I was all this time ?

Y/N : Di , please don't say like that .

Tanisha : Just fuck off bitch . And what are you doing here that to next to my Taehyung ?

Taehyung : Stop with your rubbish Tanisha and Y/N will be my side because she is my wife .

Tanisha : Wth! How can she be your wife , love . We were going to get married so why she is your wife now ?

Taehyung : Yes , you are right . We were going to get married until you decided to runaway . And I'm married to Y/N , she is my wife now .

Tanisha : Ok , I get it now . You are angry cause I run away from your marriage but now I'm back so divorce that bitch and marry me , love .

Taehyung : What are you saying ? I will not divorce her for a slut like you .

Tanisha : I'm stating the fact here and I ain't slut , the actual slut is standing your side , love .

Taehyung : I dare you to say a word against my wife now and I will be your worst nightmare .

Tanisha : Oh! Now you are taking her side and threatening me .

Y/N : Stop it di , I always listened to you and did whatever the fuck you asked me to do but not this time . I ain't going to divorce him cause I love him .

Tanisha : Such home wrecking where you are Y/N . How much of pleasure you give him that he is standing for you . Seriously love , what are you doing , did she did some black magic on you or what ?

Taehyung : Stop calling me with that freaking nickname and she is my so disrespecting her means disrespecting me .

Tanisha : I'm saying last time Y/N just divorce him and leave from our life . You are nothing more than obstacle in destiny of two lovers .

Taehyung : Who the fuck is hour lover here , huh ? I'm warning you leave this house on your own or else I have my ownways . SECURITY.....

Tanisha : Ok , don't be angry love . It's not good for your health and I'm going right now no need to call security but remember I will be back to take you but that time consequences will not be good for that whore Y/N .

Saying this Tanisha went out of the house leaving all the family member tensed . Y/N have blank expression on her face , she can't understand what she should do or behave ? Be happy cause her sister is back or be sad that her sister is asking her to divorce her husband so she can have him . Seeing the confused expression on her face Taehyung quickly hugged her and started patting her head and crassing her back . Y/N buried her face in Taehyung chest and started crying . Every family member is tensed to see to see her like that one by one they comforted her .
After sometime everybody went to do their respective work and Taehyung and Y/N went in their room to cuddle .

After 2 days :

It has been two days since that incident and everything thing is normal till now .
Right now Y/N is going to her office by her car . Suddenly her car stopped moving ,  she tried to start her car but it was of no use . So she came out of the car to check what's wrong with this car.  After checking she finded both front wheel of her car punctured but what she saw next made her shocked and scared.....

To be continued.....


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