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After getting the location of Y/N , Taehyung asked all the others member to get ready for the fight and inform the guards about it so they must prepare themselves .
Taehyung asked Suga to sit in the car only and give them direction because he is the best hacker .

After rides of 30 minutes they all reached to mansion of Jackson wang . Taehyung instructed to his guards first and clear their way .
After spotting Taehyung's guards around the mansion the guards of Jackson run towards the basement to inform Jackson about arrival of Taehyung and his guards .

After reaching to the mansion of Jackson some of the Taehyung's covered the mansion from all direction and some of them started heading the basement and clearing the path .


I heard the sound of footsteps coming in my direction so I turned to see a guard opened the door of basement with a loud thud
I wasn't going to shoot him but what he said stopped me....

Guard : Boss that Kim Taehyung is here with his members and guards and forgive me for my behaviour .

Shit! How can he trace her that easily ? I had breked her phone which have a tracker so how ? Did he traced my number , no no , he can't cause I have destroyed that phone and sim card .

Whatever I have to deal with him now , anyhow . I can't just let him take her away that easily after taking so much risk in kidnapping her .
I was about go to out of basement into my room to take my guns with me but a high pitched sound stopped me .....

Tanisha : Where are you going , love ?

Jackson : Just shut up bitch . And
let me prepare for the war .

Tanisha : But , you.....

I didn't wait forto complete her talk . I just went away from there to bring my gun from my room by slamming the door of basement loudly .

I was able to hear many footsteps coming in my direction but before I can do anything , a group of guard surrounded me and pointed their gun at me .
To say I was afraid will be whole white lie , I was feeling terrible then ever and I knew I ain't in the condition of taking any actions cause , my one wrong move will be the reason of my death . I was busy in fighting with my mind but then I heard sound of heavy and calm footsteps coming near and I very well know that who it was .

Funny isn't it . That how I'm calling my enemy like this but it was true .

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