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When Taehyung reached hospital with
Y/N in his hands , he quickly started to run inside the hospital to get his wife treated as soon as possible .
Seeing him one of the nurse brought the strecher towards him and he made Y/N layed on it .
The ward boys started pushing stretcher toward the OT while Taehyung was holding her hand and doctors and nurses were checking you .
Reaching to the door of OT , doctors prohibited Taehyung from entering inside it and asked him to
wait outside while the operation was in the process.

Doctor : You can't go inside Mr. Kim . You have to wait outside till the operation is done .

Taehyung : Please , save her and my baby . I'm ready to pay any sum of amount to you but please save both of them . I beg you .

Doctor : We will try our best to save them but the condition of patience seems to be critical . So I will ask you to pray for her .

After saying that the doctor went inside the OT . Meanwhile Taehyung just
sit on the chair which was in the the front of OT .
Seeing him like like this all the
members started to console and Hoseok pulled him into a comforting hug while recurring him about everything is goona be fine .
Jimin informed about their situation to all the family members except Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim as they were out of country for a vaccation .
Rest of the family members also came to the hospital after hearing about Y/N .

Meanwhile Taehyung started to get flashback of his memories with Y/N.....

Flashback :

• Incident 1

Y/N : Tae , can I ask you something ?

Taehyung : Yes baccha , you can ask anything ?

Y/N : What do you think about kids ?

Taehyung : I hate kids until they aren't mine . But why are you asking this , are you ready to carry my childs in you for 9 months all around this house .

Y/N : Ahh... , stop with your pervert talks Tae and answer me seriously . Like how many kids do you want to have in the future ?

Taehyung : I really want to have 5 kids in which the first 4 ones will be boys and youngest one will be a girl . So that her brothers can protect her when we grew old .

Y/N : Whoa whoa , stop your horny ass right there . Do you think of me as a machine who will always produce child only ?

Taehyung : So should we start to make babies now , baccha . I really can't wait to see you with a swollen belly carrying my child in them and roaming all around the house in my clothes .
Just thought of that make me want to impregnate you now .

Y/N : Sounds like you have already imagined and made our future plans .

Taehyung : You don't even know the things I want to do with you , baccha .

Incident 2

Y/N : Tae , what are you going to do when I will die in coming months or years ?

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