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It had been two months since marriage .
Everything changed between them they started getting more close and comfortable around each other , Y/N started working in her company , they went to dates usually . Last week was Suga's birthday so they have party just with the family members .
But also in these months there is 1 thing that never changed that is Taehyung never stopped teasing Y/N and making her heart beat like crazy , the blush on her cause of his teasing .


It has been two months since our marriage , we started getting more closer to each other and comfortable . Right now I'm talking to Jimin about our relationship .

Jimin : I see a lot of changes in you
after this marriage and that's good .

TAE : I know but...

Jimin : But what ?

TAE : It's actually I want to take next step in our marrige , I want to make
her mine completely ,I want to mark her as mine . I know that I have confessed my feelings to her and she
also accepted but I want to make love with her .

Jimin : So go on , whose stopping you ?

TAE  : She...

Jimin : Wait what ? That means you asked her for being intimate with her and she denied . She denied THE MIGHTY KIM TAEHYUNG that's so funny .

TAE : It's not like that  , I'm just afraid if she took it in wrong way and started hating me .

Jimin : So basically you afraid it's hilarious .

TAE : Can I know why we are still together ? Why didn't I just kicked your ass until now , you shorty ?

Jimin : Aww , that's because I'm your soulmate TaeTae .

TAE:  Yeah , yeah....

Jimin : So in the end I will say that give her time when she will be comfortable enough she herself will come to you .

TAE : Yeah , you are right , I should
give her time .

Jimin : Oh shit !

TAE : What now ?

Jimin : Jin hyung asked me to send him some emails in 2 hours but only 45 mins are left . If I didn't send it to him in time then surely he is going to whoop my ass with his pink pan .

TAE : Good luck with your life , shorty .
I will surely miss you after your death .

Jimin : Thanks for shitty words and praise for me just wait till I return and
get my revenge .

TAE  :  Ok.


I was passing by office room but the conversation between Taehyung and Jimin catched my attention .
I think I should talk about this to Y/N .
Right now she and other girls must be preparing food as it is time of dinner . I went into the kitchen and founded her alone as some of them were arranging plate on the dinning table and rest of them went to call other family member for dinner .
I thought it is the right time so I should talk about this to her .

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