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It has been 2 weeks since that night . It's not like they didn't did it , they did it with eachother whenever they like. Everything completely changed between them , they always be lovey - dovey couple in front of others or alone .
All the family members were surprised because change in Taehyung behaviour , they never assumed Taehyung to be a lovey - dovey person to his partner , it is hard for them to digest the new side of Taehyung .
In this overall changes Mrs. Kim is the most happiest person , in the marriage she thought that Taehyung will never accept Y/N as his wife and always hate her . But now situation is totally different from her thinking .


From last 2 days Taehyung had
always been busy in his work and forget
to give a little bit of attention . I
always wait for till late nights to
come home and it didn't  go unnoticed
by Jk oppa and
Lisa unnie .

So they decided to make him jealous , I don't have the single idea about their plan till this morning
but now I know what to do today in the party .
Yes , you heard right today is buisness party where a lot of buissnessmens are
coming . I am also a CEO of my own company which have huge base all over the world but not more than my husband and his friend's company .
I am also invited their , so me and Taehyung will go together as we are still the hot topic of Korea .

In this party I decided to make him jealous .


Since last 2 days I wasn't able to give a little attention to my baccha cause of this fucking work .
I have loads of my work in my company because being a CEO of company which have power all over this world is not easy and Y/N would always wait for me till late night .
So I decided to give my whole attention to my baccha today as today is party hosted by my project partner in our success and all the great businessmens are invited to this party as well as my baccha to cause she is also a powerfull businesswomen in this young age .
I told Y/N last night that she is going to party with me and asked her to wear something traditional because she look like a goddess in those .

Time skip : EVENING


It's already evening and all the couple went to party venue and here Taehyung is waiting for her dear wife to come .
After sometime sound of heels clicking was heard .
Taehyung turned and his breath hitched because of his wife . She was looking like a goddess .


Right now I'm waiting for my baccha to come downstairs so we can go to the party , everybody else already left for the venue .
Sometime later I heard the sound of heels clicking so I turned around to look for it .
Y/N was coming toward me looking like a fairy so I went to her and slided
my one hand around her waist and pulled her towards me .
Now we are standing too close to each other that we can feel each other's heartbeat and then I said

Taehyung : You are looking like a goddess , baccha .

Y/N : Thanks for the compliment
Mr. Kim , you yourself looking handsome .

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