24 - hellevator

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"Look how much you grew Yuri" Yuri's grandmother said as she pointed at an old photo of her when she was younger.

Yuri looked over at the photo, she had small braids and she was in her old elementary uniform. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't re-dig the memories of her childhood, it's like therapy has erased them from her memory.

Yuri just smiled and nodded.

"The only difference is my height," Yuri joked.

"Don't be so silly, you've grown to be such a lovely person" She smiled.

There was a sudden knock at the door.

"Visiting hours are over, Yuri" a nurse said entering the room.

"I'll see you again soon grandma," Yuri said hugging her.

"Of course you will, I'll be here" She smiled.

"I love you, Yuri" she said solemnly.

"I love you more" Yuri said as her grandma kissed her goodbye.

Yuri got up and walked to the door as she smiled for the final time and waved goodbye.

The nurse shuts the door behind her as she sighs. All the warmth she had felt earlier slipped from her grasp as soon as she walked out the door.

Why do I constantly feel this way?

"What's the long face for?" A sudden voice called out.

Yuri looked over and saw Jaemin walk up to her.

"Oh, hey Jaemin." Yuri said trying to force a smile.

"What's wrong?" Jaemin asked knowing something was wrong.

"Nothing.. I'm just worried about my grandma" Yuri said.

"Do you want to talk about it on the way to the elevator?" Jaemin asked as they began walking.

"Ah- sure" Yuri said, as she walked along beside him.

In all honesty Yuri didn't want to go into the elevator, she has this dumb fear of getting stuck in there, and it doesn't help the fact that she's claustrophobic.

But she hadn't spoken to Jaemin in a while due to end of year exams, I relented.

"What are you worried about your grandma for?" Jaemin asked as he pushed a button.

"She's just been having trouble remembering things lately.." Yuri said biting down on her lip.

"I'm scared" She admitted.

Jaemin turned to her and frowned.

"Don't be scared Yuri, it's common for people around this age having trouble remembering things," He reassured her.

"Even their mother's name?" Yuri frowned.

Jaemin went quiet for a bit.

"Yeah, I suppose" He said as the elevator arrived.

Yuri hesitated to step in at first but she sucked it up and went inside the hellevator. 

"Don't over think it Yuri, I'm sure her medication just makes her sleepy and everyone has trouble remembering things when they're tired," He said as the doors closed.

"Yeah- I guess you're right" Yuri said feeling a bit more at ease.

It went away as the elevator made a strange noise.

The two looked over at the doors waiting for them to open.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Yuri asked as Jaemin walked over to the doors.

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