5 - him

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Finally, our health class was over and I couldn't wait to leave this living nightmare.

"Hey do you want to go to the auditorium with me?" Minji smiled.

    "Yeah, besides I have to turn in my sign up sheet for photography club." Yuri said.

As soon as we made it to the auditorium I immediately recognized the same boy from yesterday.

We made eye contact as my heart began to race.

Who is this guy?

Mr. Saetang noticed me and the photography papers that I was holding.

    "Oh! You and Huening Kai have the photography papers ready and signed for me, I see" Mr. Saetang smiled.

Huening Kai?

    "Uh, yeah I do-" Yuri stuttered, not focusing on Mr. Saetang.

Yuri glanced up and saw the handsome boy staring at her. When he realized Yuri was staring at him he smiled warmly.

    "Hand them over you two." Mr. Saetang said, as he read them.

    "Yup everything is covered here. Thanks you two, we'll start photography club in two days." Mr. Saetang explained.

    "I promise this class will be fun this year." Mr. Saetang said with a warm smile.

    "I bet it will, don't worry" Yuri said.

The boy stood there not saying anything.

    "Well I have more students to attend, see you in two days guys." Mr. Saetang said leaving to go help out with Minji.

I sighed, that was a little nerve wracking.

I don't know what I was thinking but my lips parted to speak.

    "Why did you sign up for photography" Yuri turned to ask Huening Kai.

"Mr. Saetang recommend I join.." he said in soft voice.

    "Well I'm into photography, and it's really fun, I think you'll like it if you're into taking pictures of things or people." Yuri said.

For some reason Yuri found it nice talking to this stranger. It felt oddly refreshing, like she could start over.

"I don't know much about photography.." he said shyly.

"I could help you if you'd like?" Yuri said.

"Yeah- That'd be nice.." he said. "It'd be helpful going in knowing someone"

    "So your name is Huening Kai?" Yuri asked with genuine interest.

    "Oh, y-yeah, that's my name." Huening Kai stuttered.

"I've never heard a name like it.. I like it" Yuri said, flustering him.

    "T-thanks" Huening Kai struggled to say.

Yuri thought it was strange how Huening Kai was acting but it didn't bother her, it was honestly cute. She just assumed he was just shy, that's all.

"I'm going to get going, it's getting late" Yuri said grabbing her bag.

"I'll see you later Huening Kai?" Yuri turned to look at the tall boy.

"Yeah, see you" he smiled cutely.

Yuri walked off.

As she was walking she remembered the fiasco that happened an hour earlier. Yuri gulped at the thought of everyone knowing she wants to die. Then Yuri thought more into it..

    "No one will know because I never signed my name.."

Yuri smiled and teared up.

She crouched and held her head.

    "Nobody will know-! I just have to keep my mouth shut-!" Yuri thought, tearing up feeling rush of multiple emotions.

Yuri was happy that there was a chance of no one would finding out it was her who wrote the suicide note.

Yuri's heart stopped.

    "My locker combination.." Yuri said under her breath.

    "I put my locker combination in the note.."

Yuri dug her face into her knees, crying. She had given herself away by the locker combination in the suicide note. The school could easily know it was her.

Someone please save me.. I don't think I can handle this world for much longer.

oct. 12th 2020.

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