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WARNING: Graphic reading ahead! If you are not comfortable with graphic reading such as blood and body parts, skip this chapter

Everyone stopped at the hidden entrance that Shadow knew of.

"Everyone remember the plan?" Shadow asked.

Everyone nodded and they quietly walked in. They separated into their groups while Shadow went solo according to plan. Sonic, Knuckles and Tails walked down path A and entered the machine room.

"(Y/n)?" Sonic called worriedly.

"Lily? Where are you?" Tails called.

"I don't see them." Knuckles said, "all I see is machinery."

They huddled up back in path A.

"Now to the next spot." Sonic spoke.

Amy and Sticks entered the dungeon and looked around.

"If you ask me, locking (y/n) and Lily in the dungeon seems too easy." Sticks spoke.

"You have a good point." Amy replied, "this was the last place to look for our path. Hopefully the guys got lucky."

Shadow stopped at the secret entrance to the laboratory and looked through the peep hole. He heard crying.

"Shut up you little brat!" Eggman yelled.

"You hurt my mommy!" Lily yelled.

Shadow gasped, "Lily."

He saw her in a cage hanging over a tank of water.

"She deserved it!" Eggman fired back.

Shadow looked around and gasped as he saw you unconscious with gashes and bruises trapped inside a glass enclosure. Seeing you in that condition made Shadow growl as his eyes glow laser red. The others got to him.

"Shadow, what is it?" Tails asked.

"He has them in the laboratory." He growled, trying to contain his anger, "and (y/n) is hurt."

Everyone gasped.

"I'm gonna kill him!"

Sonic grabbed Shadow's arm before he barged in, "Shadow, if you break in there now, he'll destroy us all."

"Oh? So leaving my wife and my daughter who is your sister and your niece injured and in danger to die is the a better option??" Shadow glared, "come on faker, my family's lives are on the line!."

"All I'm saying is that we need a plan to distract Eggman before he does more damage." Sonic clarified.

"Okay, here's a plan for you. I go in to save my family, you guys kill Eggman. There." Shadow said before breaking in the Laboratory.

"LET THEM GO!" He yelled.

"Why hello Shadow." Eggman wickedly smirked.

"Daddy!" Lily yelled.

"Let them go and I just might let you live." Shadow growled.

Eggman laughed evilly, "how about this. You save your daughter from drowning or save your wife from inhaling poisonous gas!"

He flipped 2 switches as he laughed psychotically. 

"Daddy!" Lily yelled as the cage started lowering into the water.

Shadow looked at Lily and looked at you as the glass enclosure filled with gas. 

"We'll take care of Eggman and (y/n)!" Amy yelled as they broke through the wall. 

"Stay away from me!" Eggman yelled as they tackled him.

Shadow burst into outrage and jumped onto the cage Lily was trapped in. He tore the cage open with his teeth and grabbed Lily before the cage submerged into the water. He set her down and looked at you. Tails flipped the switch to turn off the gas. Shadow began punching the glass nonstop to get to you.

"Come on!" He screamed.

He ripped off his gloves and punched the glass even harder until it shattered. 

He picked you up and held you close, "I'm so sorry."

He laid you next to Lily, "I need you to watch over mommy for a second. Okay princess?"

"Yes daddy." She wiped her tears.

Shadow ran to the others. They stopped once they had Eggman on the ground.


"All of you get (y/n) and Lily to safety." He ordered, "I don't want any of you to see this."

They understood. Sonic picked you up and Knuckles picked up Lily. They fled Eggman's lair and Shadow growled.

He began walking towards Eggman, "you think I'm going let you get away with trying to murder my family? My family who I love and worked so hard for?"

Eggman coughed up blood and looked up at him chuckling, "You never deserved a family."

Shadow then grabbed Eggman by the throat, causing him to loose oxygen.

"You've been harassing my wife for the longest time; trying to kill her every chance you get." Shadow growled, "but trying to kill my daughter crosses the fucking line. They have done absolutely NOTHING to you!"

"I'll get them one day." He choked, "just you wait."

"NO YOU WON'T!" Shadow punched Eggman in the face.

He then punched his hand into Eggman's abdomen and ripped out his lungs. He threw them aside and bit his neck, tearing into his flesh. He then tore his heart out of his body and crushed it with his hand, making blood splatter everywhere. Shadow continued to punch Eggman nonstop.

"You will NEVER. TOUCH. MY. FAMILY. AGAIN!" He screamed.

He continued to punch him for what seemed like forever. 5 minutes had gone by and he was still punching Eggman.

"Shadow!" Sonic pulled him back, "he's dead!"

Shadow shook his head and looked around. Eggman's abdomen was bleeding out, his eyes were bloodshot and wide open, his organs scattered all the floor, and the walls were painted in blood.

"Jesus. . ." Sonic whispered, "Shadow what did you do?"

Shadow broke down in tears as he fell to his knees, "I-I-I had to it. I had to make sure he'd never touch my family again."

Sonic was slightly shaking in fear as he bent down to Shadow, "well now he can't."

"Please tell me they're alright." Shadow sobbed.

"Lily is safe and has no injuries." Sonic answered, "(y/n)-"

"Is she okay???" Shadow panicked.

"She inhaled a lot of poisonous gas. But we have her ventilator and we bandaged her injuries." Sonic answered as tears rolled down his cheeks, "she's in a coma. We don't know when or if she'll wake up."

Shadow hugged Sonic and sobbed.

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