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Shadow's POV

Our next place was volcano valley. My watch said that there were 2 emeralds there. I saw some and said "We're here". We walked closer and then lava and volcanoes were everywhere. "Phew it's really hot here." (Y/n) said.

"I'd rather be in that winter land than this place." I said. A rock with lava dropped in front of me and I was curious. "Ouch! Son of a gun!" (Y/n) yelled and I turned to her. Her arms was burnt and I said "You okay?" "Yeah I'm cool." She said.

My watch made noises and I said "We're close". On my right I saw the red emerald and on my left was the yellow emerald. "(Y/n) go get the yellow one." I said. She nodded and we went. "Ouch!" I yelled as I accidentally touched the lava.

I grabbed the emerald and hopped back to safety. (Y/n) jumped to safety with the other one. We smiled at each other and it started to rain fire rocks. "Run!" I yelled and we started running. We were almost there until a huge rock blocked our path.

"Damn it!" I said. (Y/n) the. Grabbed some vines and tied a hook to one end. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Saving our lives." She said throwing it over the rock. "Climb it." She ordered.

I started climbing and she followed right behind me. I heard ripping and saw the vine coming apart behind me. "(Y/n)!" I yelled. "Go Shadow NOW!" She yelled back. I climbed to the top and the cine snapped.



















I looked around the surroundings for her. I saw her climbing and held out my hand. "Come on reach for my hand." I said. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her up. "Thanks Shadz." She said.

"Hey I never leave a friend behind. You look burnt!" I said. She looked at her arms and legs and said "Don't worry about it". Why is she always acting tough? Something's up, and I will find out.

The darkness inside me (shadow X reader)Where stories live. Discover now