Volume 1 - Chapter 3: Diplomacy Part 1

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Orissa, Kingdom of Marinse
Month 9, Day 10, Year 1609, 1000 hour

Orissa, capital and largest city of the Kingdom of Marinse, it's a bustling city filled with merchants from many nations.

The kingdom was formed around two hundred years ago when Orissa I, the first ruler of Marinse declared independence from the Empire of Reldia which was crumbling apart after a long war with its neighbours.

After the fall of said empire, Marinse established diplomatic relations with many nations and remained peaceful for a while. Until a few weeks ago when the newly formed Imperia Romadia began mobilising their troops on their border.

Romadia conquered all nearby small kingdoms and is probably gonna invade Marinse. Since the formation of the empire, Marinse mobilised their own troop too but not in massive numbers like Romadia.

Due to the threat of an invasion, the Marinse asked for help to nearby nations to which most of it were ignored, with some of them saying they will not bother in wars between barbarians.

And so, back to current time. In the Grand Orissa Palace, it was a beautiful palace which housed the royal family of Marinse and also a workplace for the majority of the goverment. In a room, there was a man talking to a manacomm.

"What!? A transferred nation wants to establish relations with us!? Are you serious?!", he yelled into the manacomm's microphone.

His name is Mirdia Anders, an elf working in the Department of Foreign Affairs. He just got a call from the commanding officer of the 14th Royal Marinsan Fleet.

"I'm being serious here! I'm not too sure about the transferred part, but they apologized that one of their so called "aircrafts" breached our airspace!", replied the officer.

Mirdia gave some thought into what he said. After some thinking, he decided to agree to the officer's request.

"Alright, fine. You do have a point. I'll tell the Prime Minister about this", he replied.

He hanged up the call after telling goodbye to the officer and went to the Garden of Gaia where the Prime Minister and his cabinet were having an emergency meeting about an appearance of a strange steel wyvern yesterday.

5 minutes later
Garden of Gaia, Grand Orissa Palace

The Prime Minister of Marinse, Orist Olaris, was frustrated. It was the second day since the start of the meeting (they adjourned the meeting and continued it tommorow) and they stills haven't figured out what is the steel wyvern and where did it came from. Many theories were told ranging from Romadia scouts to superpowers just checking their nation.

Then, a voice came from the entrance of the garden.

"Prime minister! I have a message from the 14th fleet!"

"What is it?"

"They said they've stumbled upon a fleet of ships originating from a nation called the Republic of Chiruna. They've claimed that they're a transferred nation."

"A transferred nation? Interesting... Continue.", Orist know that transferred nations only exists in myths, but at this point, he just need allies to defend from the Romadians.

"The Chirunans also wants to establish diplomatic relation with us."

"Hmm... Alright, I approve it. Tell the fleet to guide them to Orissa", said Orist.

A few kilometres north of Orissa
Chirunan Southern Fleet

After the approval from Marinse goverment, the fleet followed the Marinse fleet to reach their capital. When they finally reached the capital's port, most of the crews on the Chirunan fleet shared the same view towards the city. Amazement.

Two Chirunan diplomats, admiral of the fleet and six soldiers went on their RHIBs to head to the pier of the port. Once they arrived, the Marinsean Minister of Foreign Affairs and a few soldiers of their own greeted them.

"Welcome to Orissa, the pearl of the continent."

This is the start of the Chirunan-Marinsan meeting.

A/N: had to split it into two parts cuz it was kinda long. hope you enjoyed it!

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