Volume 1 - Extra Chapters: The Aftermath

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Aftermath of the Battles

22 September 1609, 3:10 PM
Karhsan Imperial Palace, Karhsan, Imperia Romadia

In a meeting room inside the Imperial Palace, the current emperor's mood, Emperor Euphemius, is not happy. He just received reports that the current invasion is being crushed by some unknown force, he didn't want to believe it was the Chirunans as there were no way those pirates could do anything.

"General Allen, could you please repeat back the reports from the frontline to me?", said the emperor in a passive-aggressive voice.

"Y-Yes, your majesty. The reports from the latest advances of our 14th Light Battalion seemed to stop coming in. The last message they sent to us were... 'We have surrendered to the Marinseans. We've suffered countless losses. We apologize.' That's all that they said."

"Surrender!? How could the army of the greatest nation on this continent surrender to some filthy demihumans!? Those soldiers were traitors!"

"B-But, there were reports saying that there were... strange things happening."

"What is it!?"

"A-Ah, they said there were... fast flying steel wyverns firing arrows of light that follows it's enemy... Also, some of the enemy had weapons that allowed them to shoot streaks of light multiple times per second... I'm not sure if these reports were true..."

"Nonsense! Those are just excuses from traitors in the army! I don't want to see our army surrendering to the enemy ever again!", yelled the enraged emperor.

Then, a knock was heard on the door of the meeting room. "Excuse me, I am a messenger and I have a report from the Navy", a voice was heard from behind the door.

Euphemius calmed down a bit and allowed the messenger to come in.

"Now, what is the report? The Grand Fleet should've capture Orissa and other Marinsean ports", said the emperor.

"The Grand Fleet has...", the messenger gulped at the next words, "surrendered to the enemy, possibly Chirunans..."

After hearing the report, Euphemius slammed his fist on the table.

"HOW!? We've got support from one of the superpowers of the Thirdian continent and yet we still lost!? What kind of excuses do they have to give me?!", yelled the enraged emperor.

"U-Uh, they said they were confronted by a fleet of 10 ships, possibly Chirunan and they fired accurate cannons that took out our ships in a single shot. T-They also had steel wyverns of their own which shot down a majority of our wyverns-"

"Excuses! Those men are traitors to Romadia! If those wyvern riders ever came back, I would like for you to arrest them on sight! They've betrayed us!", the emperor cut off the young man's words.

Euphemius had enough of all those excuses. He believed that Romadia should've won all those battles. The Chirunans beating them with so called steel wyverns and weapons that shoots out pellets of light? Those are just made-up tales by the soldiers.

"Now get out of this room! I don't want hear any of your nonsense anymore!", yelled the emperor at the messenger. The messenger left the room after that.

"Now, we had those soldiers left on the border, right?", asked Euphemius as he looked at General Allen.

"Y-Yes, around 45,000 of them..."

"Now order them to attack those Marinseans! I don't want to hear anything about "light arrows", "light pellets" or any other kind of bullshit. Now go! Meeting is now dismissed!"

A Chilly Summoning [Discontinued, rewritten in another book]Where stories live. Discover now