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"I need to go buy hair dye now." Gerard said walking into a cosmetics shop, we all followed him into the shop.
I walked down to the Hair dye shelves following Gee,
"What colour are you getting?" I asked Gerard.
"My red hair is fading, I think I'll get some bleach and more red dye." Gerard said picking up a box of vibrant red dye.
"I've always wanted to dye my hair." I said helping Gerard pick some red dye vibrant enough,
"Really? What colour?" He asked nodding at a box of hair dye and putting it in his hand basket,
"I don't know, maybe blue." I said looking at some blue hair dye.
"You can dip dye your hair if you want, but I don't want you dying your hair completely blue." He said moving over to the blue dye I was looking at.
"This one is good," he said picking up a bright but dark blue.
"I like it," I said as Gerard put it in the basket getting my money out.
"I'll pay for it," Gerard said picking up some hair bleach.
"Thank you," I said hugging Gerard, I gave out a light laugh.
"What now?" I asked as we both walked round the shelves, Gerard holding the basket.
"Makeup," Gerard said I grin spreading across his face as we got to the makeup Shelves where Frank, Ray and Mikey were.
I saw Frank with a large handful of makeup, he had a very very pale foundation, almost white! He also had red eyeshadow and jet black eyeliner.
I saw Gerard pick up some black nail polish and him and Frank walked over to the counter and payed for their purchases and my new hair dye.
I was walking slowly behind Frank and Gerard with Ray and Mikey,
"I really want coffee." Mikey said randomly looking out the shop window at the Starbucks opposite the shop we were in.
Frank and I laughed,
"Mikey and his coffee!" Ray joked.
"What will we do when we get home?" I asked Ray and Mikey.
"I'll get you one of my amps and Ray and I will start teaching you how to play your electric guitar."
"Yay!" I said excitedly and Mikey ruffled my hair.
"Oh, and Gerard said I can dip dye my hair blue!" I said as we got to the counter.
"That's awesome!" Ray said lifting me up and giving me a piggy back, I gave out a small shriek as he did it.
"What on earth are you doing to my daughter?" Gerard said picking up the bags and turning round to see why I squealed.
Frank had his bag too with all his new makeup in and we all walked out of the shop.
"Can we go to Starbucks?" Mikey asked Gerard pleadingly,
"Yeah, I need coffee too." Gerard said swapping the bags over to his other hand.
We all walked into Starbucks and Ray put me down as we decided what we wanted,
"I'm going to have a Frappuccino." Gerard said,
"Same here," Mikey said.
"I think I am going to have a Iced Caramel Macchiato" Frank said licking his lips.
"Cinnamon Dolce Latte for me!" Ray said rubbing his ha da together in excitement.
"I'll have the same as Ray," I said as we walked up to the serving counter,
"Can we have two Frappuccinos, two Cinnamon Dolce Lattes and a Iced Caramel Macchiato, Please." Mikey said to the lady over the counter.
The lady turned round, got our drinks and was about to tell us how much we had to pay, but she froze and her eyes widened,
"MCR" she managed to stutter out.
"Yeah," Ray smiled.
"Shhh, you can have free drinks if you sign my phone case and jacket." she said going into the staff room to get her phone with a danger days case and Black Parade jacket, she bought a maker pen too.
Everyone signed her belongings one by one and they all took a selfie with her each then a group selfie.
"Who's that?" She asked looking at me.
"My daughter," Gerard said proudly.
"Can I have a group selfie with her in too?" She asked shyly.
"Sure!" Gerard said and pulled me in and put his arm round me, we all smiled and the phone flashed.
"Thank you," Gerard said taking the free coffee.
"No, thank YOU!" The lady said smiling.
As we walked out of Starbucks.
"Ah, the perks of being in a band!" Frank laughed as we all started drinking our free coffee.
"I like coffee." Mikey said as we all laughed.
"We should've called the band My Coffee Romance!" Gerard laughed as we finished drinking our drinks.

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