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(A/N I don't actually know how to play guitar so sorry if I say something wrong :/)
When we got into the studio Frank and I slumped down on the couch and Frank took me new guitar out of Mikey's new case and started putting the guitar strap on it.
I decided to ask Frank why I wasn't allowed in the corridor at the end of the house.
"Uncle frankie." I said slowly.
"Yes." Frank said looking up.
"Why can't I go down the corridor without you, ray, Mikey or dad?" I asked.
"Because it's dangerous," Frank said trying to end the conversation and dragging an amp over to where we were sitting.
"Can we go down there now?" I asked pleadingly.
"No," Frank answered.
"Whyyyyyy." I whined to my uncle.
"For your health and just forget about it Kay," Frank said annoyed now which made me even more suspicious as to why I wasn't allowed down there.
"Sorry," I said, Frank just nodded.
"Right lets tune this guitar." Frank said whilst starting to tune the guitar, I watched him in awe.
Whilst Frank was tuning my guitar I took a photo of him tuning it and decided to finally post something about my new family on Instagram,
I posted the picture with the caption;
"Uncle Frankie tuning my new guitar☺️" and as soon as I had posted it someone commented,
*your uncle looks like Frank iero, besides I thought you lived in that dump.* I smiled and decided to tell that person who my uncle really was,
"Frank iero is my uncle," I typed.
My follower never answered which Means they probably died of shock.
Frank had soon finished tuning my guitar and he handed it to me along with a shiny royal blue guitar pick.
I saw Frank turn up the amp and plugged his guitar in the amp too and played the start of Na Na Na and I had to cover my ears because the amp was turned up full blast and it was really loud.
"Too loud?!" Frank shouted over the should of his guitar, I nodded and he turned the amp Down.
(A/N this is actually all I know on guitar and how I learnt it)
"Should we learn something quick?" Franks asked.
"Yeah," I said looking at the clock, I had 15 minuets left before I had too go rinse out the dye in my hair with Gerard.
"The only easy song I know is smoke on the water by deep purple," Frank said demonstrating the song.
"Right, use the 'G' string which is the thickest one and pretend this bit is 3," Frank said pointing to one fret.
"0 is with no frets or fingers, and 5 and 6 are theses two frets," Frank said pointing to the different parts of the guitar, I nodded and Frank got a bit of paper out and wrote on it; *035 0365 035300* and handed it to me.
"What's this?" I asked.
"Play the notes in that order silly," Frank laughed as I attempted to play the tune.
I messed up quite a lot but I finally got it after Frank showed me 3 or 4 times.
"I'm going off to get Gerard to show him what you can do!" Frank said running off down the stairs, I decided to practice a few more times until Frank came back shortly followed by Gerard.
"Look what your daughter can do!" Frank said excitedly like a little kid, I played what I had been taught by Frank, and Gerard hugged me.
"Well done!" He congratulated me, I hugged him back.
"We need to go now anyway," Gerard said pointing to his funny shower-cap head.
I followed Gerard into the messy bathroom down the forbidden corridor and I noticed there was another door too the right, but I decided not to ask what was in there.
We got into the bathroom and Gerard shut the door so we could get to the bath.
"Let's do your hair first," Gerard said putting his gloves back on.
"Okay," I said.
"Sit on the floor and put your hair over the edge of the bath," Gerard told me as he got some water to rinse my hair out with, I did as my father told me and Gerard washed they bleach out of my hair and all the tips of my hair was a very pale yellow.
"Now for the blue dye!" Gerard said getting my blue dye and starting to put it on my hair and then covering it up with tin foils again.
I watched Gerard spread the red hair dye all over his hair, and the bathroom, I watched Gerard putting the foil in in his hair and his shower cap back on again and I gave out a little laugh, not being as funny as the first time.
The whole process of Gerard doing his hair was about 10 minuets so there was only 5 minuets left until we had to rinse my hair out,
"There is no point in going back to your uncle because we need to do your hair in about 5 minuets said Gerard checking his phone.
We both sat on the edge of the bath talking.
"What is in the door down this corridor?" I asked Gerard.
"This bathroom," Gerard said trying to ignore the fact his house had another door down this corridor.
"No, the other door, Dad." I said looking at what he was doing in his phone.
"Just something, I don't need you going in there without one of us," Gerard said licking his phone and putting it in his pocket.
"Right, time to rinse your hair," Gerard said getting up and changing the subject.
I took the foil off my hair and I rinsed it in the sink and Gerard passed me a towel to dry my hair, it was now an electric blue and it looked awesome!
"Go see your uncle frank again." Gerard said to me opening the door and I went and into the studio to find all my uncles were in there and they were all practising 'I'm not okay' and I sang up to where they were up too,
"You said you read me like a book, the pages are all torn and frayed...Im. O-Kay, I'm o-KAYYYYYYYYYY." I screamed not realising how loud I was and all my uncles stared at me gobsmacked.
"You really do have a voice like your father!" Ray said astonished at the volume of my voice since I was such a small person.
"You are just like my brother," Mikey said surprised as well.
"Yup, your very loud just like your dad," Frank said I deafened him, I gave out a small giggle.
"Right, anyway, I said I was going to cook tonight so I'd better get started." Franks said turning the amp off and putting his guitar away, Ray and Mikey did the same and we all followed Frank into the kitchen and decided to help Frank on the cooking.
"What are we cooking?" Ray asked Frank.
"We are cooking home made pizza and then Pancakes for dessert," Frank said like one of those chefs off TV.
Frank got a bowl and most of the ingredients from around the kitchen except the flour, which Mikey had to get since Frank was too short, and then we decided to get cooking.

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