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The paramedics quickly came in through the door and into the kitchen and sat beside Mikey, they started taking his blood pressure and taking out different pieces of equipment and testing him for stuff and Frank was continuously putting tissues in the bin whilst Ray was getting clean tissues and giving them to Mikey and I could see Gerard was panicking because He couldn't get his mind stuck on one thing, he started making coffee then he started washing up even though we had a perfectly good dishwasher then he sat down for about 5 seconds then got back up again and this repeated for about 2 more minuets and I just stood there worrying about Mikey and Gerard by now, Frank and Ray both seemed pretty cool still.
I decided I needed to get away from all this and so did Gerard,
"Gerard?" I said quietly choking up.
"I'll be back in a minuet Mikey." Gerard said worried walking quickly over to me.
"I'm sorry, this is all my fault, now your panicking and I'm a stupid daughter, send me back if you want." I said crying into my hands.
"Please, stop being so stupid, you are my daughter. Everyone makes mistakes and have accidents sometimes, I'm just getting worked up and last time this happened Mikey did end up in hospital for a few hours because he lost a lot of blood and I'm worried about him too and just-" Gerard said quickly choking up as well and not being able to finish his sentence.
A tear rolled down Gerard face, he wiped it away and took a deep breath.
"Right, I'm going to see your uncle, are you coming?" Gerard asked standing up.
"Yeah," I said standing up and following Gerard into the kitchen.
"Hey Mikey," Gerard said pulling a chair out from under the table and sitting next to Mikey, I sat diagonally from Mikey.
"Hey," Mikey managed to say quickly before getting blood in his mouth, the blood wasn't flowing fast anymore and it was now slowing down but there was still some left.
"He should be okay in five minuets otherwise we will have to take him to hospital." one of the paramedics said writing something On a piece of paper.
Frank saw my tear stained face,
"You okay?" He asked sitting next to me.
"Yeah." I said trying to take my mind off it.
Ray was now standing next to Mikey as he took tissue off his nose and putting it in the bin then the bleeding just stopped.
The paramedics decided Mikey was better and took the equipment off Mikey and packed away.
"If this happens again today please call us." a paramedic said picking up the first aid kit and walking out of the kitchen.
"Will do," Mikey said putting his hand up as the paramedics walked out of the door.
"Sorry uncle Mikey." I said walking over to him and hugging him.
"Let's pretend this never happened." Mikey said getting up and getting a damp cloth to wipe the rest of the dried blood on his chin away, we all agreed and decided to go and get the things from the back of the car like my guitar and the bands makeup and stuff for the tour.
"You can take your guitar," Gerard said handing me my new guitar in Mikey's new case,
"Don't slide the case along the floor," Mikey said as I carried the case about an inch away from the floor.
"I won't," I said walking up the step and going into the house.
I placed the guitar on the table under the coat hooks as I walked into the door and went off to go get some more bags, I got another bag and took it inside whilst everyone else was carrying bags and Ray was locking the car.
We all went inside and put the bags in the kitchen and Mikey picked up my guitar and put it somewhere better than I had put it.
"What are we going to do now?" I asked my family.
"We can put the stuff away later, but I was thinking maybe me and you could go dye our hair now." Gerard said taking the dye out of the box then walking over to Frank and whispering something in his ear, Frank nodded.
"Let's go and tune Kay's guitar," Frank said to Mikey and Ray.
"I'll go find a decent, Un-chewed up by Franks dogs guitar pick" Ray said laughing.
Gerard and I left the room and went up the stairs.
"Let's go to the messy bathroom," Gerard said as we went down a small corridor I had not yet discovered.
"Messy bathroom?" I asked.
"We have a bathroom for makeup and hair dye and maybe a few experiments." Gerard said giving me a devilish smile as he said experiment.
"Okay," I said slowly wondering what 'experiments' Gerard did in his bathroom.
We walked into the 'messy bathroom' it had colourful faded stains allover the sink and bath and there were chips in the sink aswell as a broken mirror.
Gerard put the dye on the windowsill of the window that barely existed and turned in the light,
"Oh and just promise me you will never come down this corridor with out me or your uncles." He said sternly looking me in the eye.
"Why?" I asked.
"No questions." Gerard said still with a stern tone in his voice.
"Okay," I said ending the conversation.
By now Gerard was in the cupboard under the sink,
"Where are they?" Gerard said talking to himself.
"Where is what?" I said crouching down looking in the cupboard with him.
"The hair bands," Gerard said and before I could answer he reached to the back of the cupboard,
"Found them!" He said pulling out a packet of about 15 hair bands.
He also pulled out tin foil, a brush a bowl, gloves and two old shirts.
"Put these on." Gerard said to me handing me one of the old shirts and a pair of rubber gloves, I slipped the shirt over my head and put the rubber gloves on.
"Bleach first," Gerard said putting most of the hair bleach in the bowl,
"Oh and tie your hair up into a high ponytail." Gerard said to me handing me a hair band and I quickly put my hair up.
"Right scoop up some of the bleach up and get all the tips of your hair," Gerard said putting on his gloves and starting to bleach his own hair in sections then putting tinfoil over each little chunk he bleached.
I was getting all the ends of my hair and Gerard gave me a strand of my hair I had missed and I finished my hair quickly because I was only doing the tips of my hair but Gerard was still working on his hair.
"What do I do now?" I asked Gerard looking at him and I couldn't help to laugh at the half of his hair covered in tinfoil and sticking up everywhere.
"It's quite a sight isn't it," Gerard laughed handing me some tinfoil,
"You wrap the end of your hair up in it," Gerard said pointing to his hair.
I wrapped the bleached part of my hair tightly in the foil and sat on the edge of the bath and watched Gerard do his hair.
After a few minuets Gerard asked me to pass him a shower cap, I did as I was told and watched Gerard put the shower cap on, he looked really interesting and I couldn't help burst out laughing again! I laughed so hard Gerard laughed at how red I was and then I lost my balance and fell in the bath, but before I touched the bottom Gerard grabbed my hand and pulled me up again,
"Thanks Da-" I started to say but paused when I realised what I was about so say and just looked up at Gerard hoping he didn't realise what I was about to say, but he obviously did.
"Daddy?" He asked me if that was what I was about to say, I just blushed and looked down to the floor, I didn't say anything.
"Did you just want to call me daddy?" He asked me again sitting down next to me, he took off his gloves and put his arm around me, I still stayed silent.
"You can call me daddy if you want to," He said reassuring me I was allowed to call him daddy.
"Can I?" I asked.
"Well, I am your daddy now, and it would make me really happy if you did call me daddy." He said hugging me tightly.
"Okay, daddy." I said hugging him back, we hugged for a few moment then we both stood up and Gerard looked at the box to see how long the bleach took to do its work,
"We will come back and rinse it out in an hour," Ger-Daddy said setting a timer on his phone.
(A/N I will be referring to Gerard as Daddy or dad now. if you don't want me to please say so in the comments)
I followed daddy out of the room and down the corridor and we went downstairs.
We both went to go get a drink, Mikey, Frank and Ray were all drinking coffee at the table and looked up to see us both with foil in our hair and they all gave out a small laugh, daddy go two glasses out of the cupboard and poured me and him a glass of coke each and we sat down with my uncles who were on some merch making website on the laptop and we're making some new merch like bags and hats.
"Daddy, when can I go with the band and practice guitar?" I asked daddy and all my uncles looked up,
"Daddy?" Frank asked.
"Yeah, your her uncles I'm her daddy," Daddy said as if he had never heard anything so stupid in his life.
"Fair enough." Frank said stretching out his arms.
"Uncle Mikey and Uncle Ray are busy and your Dad should probably help them too so I'll go and teach you for the time being." Frank said getting up and picking my new guitar up and we both went upstairs into the studio.

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