Chapter I: The Resistance

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Blake POV - September 6th, 2218

The second year at Beacon started two days ago. Some of us stayed during the break for the summer weather Vale is almost famous for. Seventy-two-degree weather all around, and the Vytal Festival was in full swing. The pilots weren't allowed to participate in the tournament since they were more skilled in combat and could injure someone despite the restraint they had to adapt. Since Nathan's team had arrived late into the year, Ozpin allowed them to start their classes when the school year started.

It had been five months since the "Dockyard Battle," as the news had called it. I was still disappointed about its outcome, as some of the Fang were people I once knew and fought alongside. But THIS, right here and now, is my new reality. One where my team and I are friends with humans from a different galaxy with walking tanks at their disposal, fighting a galactical conflict that has destroyed countless planets of the Frontier. It affected their home to where they had to run since their family had been in the war since the beginning.

I already know how Nathan sees the war and Angel City. When I asked her about this, Athena said she would rather forget Angel City and the war. She said: "Angel City was a grand place at first. Decent people just wanted to live their lives, but once you see how some people truly are... It's hard to see if the expectation ever became reality in the first place. The war, though... we should've never got involved. I even tried to convince Dad to get out and stay on the edge of the Frontier until the whole thing blew over. It almost worked until Nate got involved. I love my brother, but there are days when he makes things a little frustrating."

Matt seemed like he didn't care about that situation at all. Carsen shared the same view as Athena, mainly about the war, saying it wasn't their problem back then. Andrea, or Andi, as she prefers to call herself, didn't give me a straight answer about how she viewed the situation; I assume she always carried her carefree attitude about everything else. Reyes, in retrospect, could've given me a manifesto, for lack of a better description. Overall, these guys are a mixed bag. When I asked if they missed their hometown, they all nearly said the same thing—ranging from a simple "No" to a complex answer (Thanks, Reyes). When I asked Nathan, he only said: "It's not the place that makes a location home for me. The select few made Angel City more tolerable to live in. They made the place feel like home. In a way, I do miss Angel City."

I could only feel sorry for them as I watched teams WOLF and APEX spar with each other.

Nathan was up against Ambrose, Matt against Petro, Carsen against Eclipse, and Andrea against Xander. At the beginning of the match, it seemed like they were on even footing, but WOLF was getting the upper hand. Both teams were out of breath when the sparring match ended.

Ozpin: (intercom) "Teams WOLF and APEX report to my office."

Weiss: "What have you six done? Most of you have only been on Remnant for nearly six months."

Andi: "We weren't the only team that got called."

Matt: "Knowing how this might end, Andi has done something, and we're just along for the ride. So what did YOU do, sis?"

Nathan: "Let's figure it out before we start arguing. Let's not keep the Professor waiting. *to us and JNPR* See you all at lunch."

They leave the training area as I and the others look at each other with questioning looks on our faces, wondering what had happened to get called Ozpins office... along with APEX. What did Andrea get them into?

After fifteen minutes, the bell rang, signaling that it was now lunch period. We left the area and started talking amongst ourselves, specifically about what Andrea had done... if she did anything at all. Weiss, Yang, Ruby, Pyrrha, and Jaune theorized from Nathan's information about Andrea being a wild card. A lot could've gone down.

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