Chapter: VI: Highway Brawl

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Nathan POV

The chase led us to a five-lane highway. I could already assume that someone had called the authorities or Ironwood was seeing this on the nine o'clock news and was sending men to the locale or trying to get Oz on the phone and get us here.

Me: "Reyes, I need you to check the schematics and find the battery hatch."

Reyes: (com-line) "Checking... *sighs* F*cking hell, the Tempest doesn't have an external battery hatch. The only plan is to get them to the ground floor so I can get the other Titans to you all."

Me: "We'll have to slow them down and get them there. Xander, get ready to move."

Xander: "Wha-?"

He didn't finish what he said as I declined my seat and rolled out, having him quickly get into the driver's seat.

I exit the car via the backseat window, crawl to the roof, and slide to the car's hood. The blistering cold breezed past as I tried to aim my hook at the Tempest, but Yang and Neptune hit the brakes and ended up near the car.

Yang: (screaming) "Sentinel, what Titan is that?!"

Me: (screaming) "It's called a Tempest! You let me and my team handle that! We need to get them off the highway! *to Xander* Knight, get me as close to the Titan as possible! Echo, get out here!"

Andi: (screaming) "You are INSANE!"

Me: (screaming) "We've done insane before; now get out here! *to Carsen* Specter, you and Sierra must stay on the highway and provide support."

Carsen: (com-line) "What are you getting at?!"

Me: (screaming) "You'll see. *notices Andi on the roof* Echo, you and I will rodeo that and try to tamper its systems. *to Reyes* Tech, get Bane and AO ready to teleport fifteen miles ahead. Get T.K. ready to teleport to Echo. We're getting Neo off this highway."

Xander then pushed the pedal to the floor, pushing the car past its limits as we got closer. Andi then slid down the window and latched herself to me as I aimed my hook and shot it, flying to the Tempest. I grabbed my CAR and shot at one of the powerboxes as Andi did the same with the other box.


The boxes started to glow blue as arcs of electricity were shooting off and smoke coming out of the vents, forcing us to jump off as Xander sped up to catch us on the hood, moving us out of the way as the wind carried the electric smoke. Just then, a laser beam hits the Tempest on the leg as a vortex forms, having T.K. appear out from it, crashing into the Tempest and onto the ground below.

Xander stopped the car as Andi, and I jumped off the highway, Andi using her jump kit and T.K. to break the fall as I used my hook. Two more vortexes appeared above us as Bane and Athena emerged, falling to the ground. Bane is behind Neo and Athena on her left side. I watched as Matt landed on Bane with his Armor-Up activated, holding a Charge Rifle as I jumped from a pillar and landed on Athena's arm. They get back up as T.K. allows Andi to take control.

Reyes: (com-line) "Sentinel, the Tempest communication channels aren't secure. I can patch you through."

Me: "Do it."

Reyes: "... Okay, you're through."

Me: "Ms. Neopolitan, my name is Sentinel of the Frontier Militia and Beacon Academy. In case you don't understand your situation, here it is: Pilots surround you—the best of the best. I am offering you one chance to surrender. *gets into the Monarch* (Athena: Transfering controls to Pilot.) I suggest you take it."

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