Chapter VII: Extraction

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Nathan POV - Timeskip: Next few days

Ozpin: "Ahh... Team WOLF, thank you for coming in."

We entered the room, and two of us sat before him. Standing beside him was Ironwood - well, to put it accurately, a hologram of him.

Ozpin: "Can you six guess why we asked you here?"

Andi: "You two are the keepers of the universe's secrets, and you'll share some wisdom with us?"

Ironwood: "Not even close. You may have seen it on the news, but I'll get to the point. Your Titans were spotted around the highways a few days ago. Care to explain why they were there, team leader?"

Carsen: "Sure... if you are okay explaining how Roman Torchwick got his hands on a Tempest?"

Ozpin: "What do you mean?"

Andi: "My team and RWBY were walking around town just hanging out when we spotted Torchwick among some White Fang around the industrial district. They're probably long gone by now, but we found that Roman and his accomplice had got their hands on a Tempest. Reyes was in the middle of trying to contact you, but we got spotted. This led to a fight on the highways. No offense, but you haven't fought Pilots and Titans before, so not calling was a good idea."

Ironwood: "Except for the damages you all brought. Not to mention the number of civilians caught in the crossfire. Some of them didn't make it out alive."

Athena: "... How many?"

Ozpin: "Approximately two hundred and thirty-seven civilians were injured, some more critical than others. But twenty-eight didn't make it. Some of the deceased were children."

A heavy silence fell over us. I looked over at my brothers and sisters. Reyes had breathed into her hands and dragged them to the back of her neck. Matt just shook his head and looked down. Andi and Athena look at each other. Carsen had his hand over his mouth and looked at the ceiling.

Reyes: "Sh*t..."

Me: "How many were children?"

Ozpin: "The report is inconclusive, but the number exceeds double digits. The eldest was fourteen. The youngest was six."

Athena: (quietly) "F*ck me sideways."

Reyes: "And of the injured? The critical?"

Ironwood: "The critical were placed under drug-induced comas to keep them alive while their auras healed the wounds. Few were lucky to have every wound healing up nicely. Others may be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives. One may have to eat through a straw."

Ozpin: "The Council is trying to appease the nervousness of the general populace, but they will be demanding answers about the situation."

Me: "Have you been able to tell them anything yet?"

Ozpin: "They were more focused on the highways than asking questions about the Titans. So, for now, you all are in the clear. But still, what were you ten thinking of taking on Roman Torchwick? You could've called me or-"

Matt: "You say that like we had the time. That could've been the truth in any other circumstance, but need I remind you and Ironwood Torchwick had a Titan? Right now, the only ones qualified to try to minimize the damage are the pilots in front of you. I'm not saying what happened on the highways is necessary, nor will I ever... what happened shouldn't have. But it did; nothing can be done about it now. We were trying to stop the damage from spreading the best we could, and we did. I hate to say this, but Vale got off lucky that we were in the area, and the Tempest is no longer an enemy- *stops himself and breathes* If you two are going to do some form of disciplinary action on us, get it over with and stop wasting time."

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