Chapter III: Doing Something is Better Than Doing Nothing

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Nathan POV

Carsen: "Gave up their adolescence to save their home..." You had to spoon-feed her that sh*t?"

It had been almost an hour since the food fight, and to kill time, Athena had recorded the entire battle, and we watched it. Most of us were mainly laughing at the ridiculousness of the whole match, but it was fun nonetheless. Matt was the first to get washed up since he takes no time; next was me, then Carsen, Andi, and last was Reyes.

Me: "It was that or some other lie, but it worked, right?"

Andi: "Not really, but here we are."

Reyes: (from the bathroom) "Really, Andi?"

Andi: "Really, what Reyes?"

Reyes: *walks out of the bathroom and carries an empty shampoo bottle* "I know that only one person uses my shampoo, and the guys don't use it. Athena is an A.I. so that only leaves you. Would it kill you just to get your own for once?"

Andi: "I thought siblings share sh*t. Shampoo, clothes... *smug smile* boyfriends."

As stupid as it was, Reyes stifled a laugh and tossed the bottle at her. I smile as they continue to argue back and forth, even back on the MacAllan. Those two never stopped arguing about the little things. Reyes does anyway; Andi is more dismissive.

Me: "Alright, you two, that's enough. Andi, get your shampoo from now on, okay? Reyes, breathe. Maybe she used the last of hers last night... all I'm saying is the benefit of the doubt here. *Knock knock* Doors open."

The door opens to see Ruby poke her head into the room.

Carsen: "Well, if it isn't the fearless leader of the resistance that led us to victory. What's up?"

Ruby: "My team and I were heading to the library to do board games. Care to join us?"

Me: "Sure, we'll meet you all there."

As she closes the door, Carsen looks at me.

Carsen: "Anyway, back to what I was saying, Goodwitch can only guess why we're here, and yet I get the feeling that your friends somehow know something about you and us. What exactly have you told them?"

Me: "Ruby asked what you guys were like, and I answered, "Carsen's like Weiss but warmer, Andi's wilder than Yang, and Matt's the silent one." Anything that could be explained by you I left to you."

Carsen: "... And?"

Me: And a little bit about our family.

Carsen: "... AND?!"

Reyes: "Carsen, enough. If he trusts them, we should give him a little slack."

Carsen: "Do you remember Evelynn Jones, Reyes?"

Reyes: "I'm not saying I don't remember what the b*tch did to him back in Angel City. I'm just saying that we're not in Angel City anymore. The past is in the past. It's a new beginning we've desperately wanted since we left. For most of us anyway, but nonetheless. How about we do not look at the gift horse in the mouth just yet? It could be nothing."

Carsen: "At least tell me one thing, then I'll follow your lead... are you being careful?"

Me: *looks at him dead in the eyes* "Overall, I have been careful."

Carsen: "Meaning?"

Me: "Remember the dockyard? The night before, Blake, a Faunus, and an ex-White Fang member, got out, and I forced myself to tell her about my arm when she assumed the worst. Blake was high on the priority list that night... what was I supposed to do?"

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