Act 2 Epilogue: Out of the Frying Pan

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Athena POV - March 6, 2321 - 05:34 AM

This experimental procedure in the Frontier allowed artificial intelligence to transfer consciousness to an organic body, thanks to a specialized microchip implanted in the cerebral cortex. Again, it was very experimental. VERY, as in only five cases of being that successful exist. The major downside is that one consciousness will overpower another since the chip is on a human body. The other downside is the chip short-circuiting and killing both.

Why am I talking about this? Simple. I had my consciousness transferred to an organic body just yesterday morning. When I woke up in my new body, the first thing I noticed was being encased in water and a respirator over my mouth. When someone saw me opening my eyes, they were shocked. The other cases had a three to seven-day nap to let the brain waves synchronize with the AIs code. How I didn't sleep for that long was beyond any of us, but I was the first to wake up with perfect synchronization in less than forty-eight hours.

The doctors recommended that I take it easy and get used to my newfound freedom from a holographic existence, but my brother's stubbornness rubbed off on me. I've spent all night working on my coordination and reminding myself I no longer need to stay near anything that projects holograms. I can't fully believe I'm no longer bound by that damn watch anymore. No longer bound by the cold hands of cyberspace. The stream of tears hadn't stopped coming ever since.

The sun was barely coming up and shining through my room as I hopped out of the shower and dried myself off, staring into the mirror.

The sun was barely coming up and shining through my room as I hopped out of the shower and dried myself off, staring into the mirror

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This is something I'm going to have to get used to. I'm not sure how the siblings will react to this, knowing them, they will make me spill some embarrassing secret or story that only I would know to prove it's me. But the looks on their faces will be priceless.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts, and I went to see who it was. I opened the door, and the doctor was responsible for the procedure.

 I opened the door, and the doctor was responsible for the procedure

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Dr. Alan MacTavish.

He looks up from his tablet and quickly covers his eyes. I asked him what was up, and he asked if I knew I was still in my towel. I looked down and promptly closed the door. I thought I changed into something else! On the first day of becoming organic, I died from massive embarrassment.... quite the saying on the headstone. I quickly changed into a shirt and shorts and reopened the door.

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