Chapter XIV: An Unexpected Reunion

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Nathan POV - February 28, 2219

The message would've been decoded sooner if Ruby and I hadn't been called to the Ozpins office and interrogated about last night's events. Ruby told the story as I filled in the gaps.

Goodwitch: "Did she look familiar to you two?"

Me: "She does. Her name is Evelynn Jones, a Frontier local. I don't know why she's here, and I don't know why she made her presence known last night."

Ozpin: "Did she say anything to you?"

Me: "Nothing clear-cut. Just warnings that don't make sense."

Ironwood: "Like what?"

Me: "That her bosses have been keeping an eye on us. My team and I, and now team RWBY, since the dockyard last year."

Goodwitch: "Did she say anything else? Such as anywhere she could be?"

Me: "Sorry, but she didn't. She dumped the info and left. If I knew where she was, I would've brought her here this morning, and there's a chance she didn't work alone on getting this info to us. It's just a theory, though."

Ozpin: "I see. Thank you two for your cooperation, but Nathan, can you stay back a little? There is a matter Ironwood, and I, need to discuss it with you."

I looked back at Ruby and gave her the "I'll be okay" look, which did little to calm her nerves, but she didn't fight it as she walked to the elevator and returned to the hangar where my team and hers were hanging out. I looked back at the three.

Me: "You wanted to talk to me about something?"

Ironwood: "We do, and it's a couple of things. The first is the robot you and Ms. Rose fought last night. I presume that it's Frontier technology?"

Me: "Yeah, and the bot is called a simulacrum."

Goodwitch: "A simulacrum?"

Me: "It's a robot with an organics consciousness uploaded. I have no clue how to explain the science behind it, but it works, so no one questions it. Can I ask if you got something from the thing?"

Ironwood: "We didn't get anything as of yet. The simulacrum is on the way to Atlas; unlike the last couple of months, we'll bring you and your team in on what we find."

I scratched the back of my neck and chuckled nervously.

Ironwood: "To the second matter, six nights ago, a few satellites picked up on a spacecraft before it entered the planet's atmosphere. It's not one of ours, so I figured that it would've been the backup you mentioned back in October. But I figured I'd ask you about it. *hands me a scroll* Here's what the satellites picked up."

I looked at the spacecraft in question, and the only thing that struck me was the logo that pushed its way through the blurriness. The Wolves Den... the family answered.

Me: "They answered..."

Ironwood: "Who answered?"

Me: "To make a long story short, my family is a band of mercenaries fighting the Frontier War since it started sixteen years ago. I'm just surprised that they agreed to come here."

Goodwitch: "You don't sound thrilled."

Me: "That's another long story. Wait, did you say six nights ago they showed up? Why didn't you bring this to my attention that night?"

???: "That's because you were busy providing entertainment yesterday, little man."

A warm, familiar voice filled the room as excitement leaked out of every orifice it could find. I turned to the elevator and saw my uncle.

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