Chapter IV: Combatus Superior

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Blake POV - November 15, 2218

It had been a slow two months, but we have a plan waiting to be put in motion. Now, we're just waiting for the day of the White Fang meeting taking place tonight. But right now, the news of Teams WOLF and CRDL going at each other has spread like wildfire.


We walked through the halls, talking amongst ourselves, just minding our business. Turning the corner to our next class, we stopped to see CRDL bullying several students. Nathan starts walking towards them with Matt right behind him.

The student on the floor was a human male, and the other that was pinned on the wall by Sky was a Faunus female. Andi then followed them, standing on Nathan's left. He stood before the student on the floor, and they met eyes. The student's nose had blood from the left nostril and above his right eyebrow. Nathan then moves his hand to him, offering assistance. The student reels back, thinking it would be a punch to him, but sees it isn't. He accepts and grabs his arm, returning to his feet, and Nathan's arm moves him behind them. He had anger in his eyes but kept the emotion in check.

They exchange words before Andi starts to mock them, I didn't understand what she was trying to accomplish, but we didn't have the moment to ask as Sky was freaking out. When I turned to see him, he had his free arm behind him and was shoved into the wall. Carsen reappeared as he pushed the faunus out of the way; Matt reached for the girl and put her to their feet. He put the female behind him as he looked at CRDL, cracking his knuckles.

Before a fight could break out, WOLF and CRDL were locked in a hold only to see Pro. Goodwitch saw the whole altercation. She was leaning on the wall, holding her wand. She then proceeded to us, only to stop in front of the two students. They give her the events leading up to this, and Goodwitch looks at JNPR, telling them to escort the two to the infirmary. Still having them in place, she moves them a few feet back and gets between them, looking at Cardin and Nathan dead in the eyes.

Goodwitch: This thing between you two has gone on for long enough. You and your teams will report to the Sparring Hall. Do I make myself clear?

*End of Flashback*

The news of this spread like wildfire. Even though they have seen "Sentinel" toss Cardin and his team around before, everyone is waiting to watch the pending fight. But four pilots... sounds like overkill.

I looked to my left to see the empty seats next to me and Weiss. Only for Yang's voice to attract the attention of everyone, screaming: "PLACE YOUR BETS!" All Weiss, Reyes, Athena, and I could do was facepalm hearing Ruby return holding a bag of popcorn. Weiss looks at us: "We need to get new friends."

It had been fifteen minutes since then, and Cardin and his team started getting cocky.

Cardin: "Hey, Goodwitch, might as well give us the win now. They aren't coming."

Goodwitch: "You know as well as I do, Mr. Winchester, that putting on your selected armor takes time. We WILL wait for them."

Sky: "But-"

Goodwitch: "No buts, Mr. Lark. Goes for you three as well."

Matt POV - Meanwhile

With one final tug on the strap on the left leg piece, I grabbed my Wingman and "Armor Up" kit, holstering the pistol and strapping the equipment to my waist. The nanites built into the gear started moving around my body. As a test, I commanded the nanites via a neural link (like a Titan but without the splitting migraine that comes with it) to armor up my arms and hands. I felt my arms and hands get tight as the nanites do their command, as I had just put on a skin-tight shirt and gloves. The nanites retreat into the kit as I close my locker door.

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